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Alf's PaintStation - Lots of pics in the OP


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Hey all, been hanging around Wyrd's forums for awhile now, haven't really gotten a chance to get into the painting threads, thought I'd post up some dedicated Malifaux stuff as well as a place to catalog what I have. I warn you now, my eyesight is bad, I paint with magnifying headset things (they look goofy as heck) and I shoot for tabletop standard. I do appreciate hearing constructive criticism, though I'm terrible at implementing it :-\

As a bit of background:

So here are my first models painted that I submitted when I applied for my henchman position about February of last year (Note my camera skills have improved lol):

Then We've got bits and pieces to my Pandora Crew (surprisingly Candy isn't here, I shall fix this tonight :'()

Then we've got my Nicodem and Mortimer, who still need basing, I'll probably take care of that this weekend.

But what I'm currently working on is my Viks Crew/outcasts, so here we go :)





I realized last night while painting her that the Swords Vik look a bit like a female Cloud Strife...

Thanks for reading guys!

Edited by Alfndrate
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Its nice clean work with all the paint inside the lines. Im no expert myself but a wash and a highlight (dry brushing would sufice) will help to add a bit more depth to some of the colours.

With your whites they are nice and bright which is good. How ever for a more realistic shadow if you base paint the area with VM pale blue grey and then high light this with white it will create a really nice shadowed colour with virtually no effort.

Also the blonde hair on the viks could be give a wash and then high lighted quickly for a bit more varied (natural) looking hair.

With regard to washes. Try using opposing colours. For instance if you use red. Add a wash of green and highlight red. This will turn out some really nice shades and is easily done :)

Hope this has helped? Really like your painting though. Getting the neatness and decent colour base you have is half the battle. A few extra techniques and you will be well above table top standard :D

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The Viks hair is washed and higlighted >_<

Lol, I should have taken an over/under on how many posts it took till someone suggested a wash. SteamHammer already saw my post in the OT playground, so he doesn't count, but 1 post lol.

You can click on the images, they'll take you to the DakkaDakka gallery where I host them, and you can zoom in so much that you can see every flaw in the paint job.. Though if you look here:


You can clearly see the two different shades of yellow on the front of her hair.

The white is literally just white base and white layer. The hair is Averland Sunset base, Casandora Yellow Shade with Yriel Yellow Layer paint, and the blue is the Ultramarines named blues from GW, metallics are of a similar paint by numbers thing. Except Taylor's hammer and Sword Vik's handles on the swords on her back.

I'll looking into that white recipe you gave and the idea about opposite colored washes. My theory outside of Devlan Mud and Badab Black is that I use the wash to deepen the base color.

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Try differnt washes with opposite colours it works wonders. And has some intresting results especially with the new gw washes.

Im on my phone at the minute so the pics arent the best but that close up of the hair is really nice. The original picture dosnt do the detail justice :) Is the gun viks hair the same as that? As that was the one i was refering to. But it may just be the picture quality/lighting or my phone?

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The earlier models are terribly painted, I make no excuses for that. They were painted a year ago, and haven't been repainted, I don't even have the Tina crew anymore :'(.

Thanks for the comments guys. I didn't get any painting done because I was busy putting this up in my office:


Over the next few days, I'll probably sort out my terraclips and build a board with them now that I have dedicated space.

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Those are barrels lol, but it's the beginning of my "Trollbloods Village" It'll serve as my general Warmachine and Hordes table here at home, I can always remove pieces of the scenery and drop it to Malifaux table size, but I'd rather see if I can build something out of the three packs of terraclips I have.

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Really digging that terrain.

And I want your yellow painting skills too. D:

Thanks! No one has ever said that about my painting skills. If you look at Kade's base, my yellow skills are still decently lacking. My "yellow" is simply a paint by numbers scheme using GW's colors. Take their yellow base color, let that dry and apply their yellow shade (looks orange in the pot), and once all of that is dry take Yriel Yellow (they have 2 yellow layer colors), and pick out the high points of the hair with that. That's all there is too it. You'll probably get better definition if you use something like a Sepia wash, but I find the yellow wash evens out the base color nicely (instead of darkening the recesses.

Also for those that might be interested, I found out a really awesome way to make washes that I'm going to have to try out. You take floor wax, put it in a small jar (about GW paint pot size), add 10 drops of a color of ink you want, shake, and use. My flgs owner showed me that last night while his flames of war guys were setting up. The added benefit is that it acts as a coating as well as a wash, so you get protection on the models, but you will have to dullcoate the model.

Good luck! I tried with my stuff, didn't have the head to figure out a good way to arrange it myself.

Yeah, I had Streets of Malifaux, and couldn't really do much with it, picked up two of the dungeon sets at GenCon, and I just need to put all of them together, and I might be able to make a 3x3 board out of the base 6 inch square pieces.

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