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Interrupting companion chain?



If Hoffman is activating as part of a companion chain and on his activation casts Override Edict on a construct that is also part of the companion chain and has already activated, what happens?

Does the over-riden construct act immediately, ending the chain or act and then continue the chain or complete the chain then construct acts?

Been reading and re-reading the rules and I can't figure this out...


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If Hoffman is activating as part of a companion chain and on his activation casts Override Edict on a construct that is also part of the companion chain and has already activated, what happens?

Does the over-riden construct act immediately, ending the chain or act and then continue the chain or complete the chain then construct acts?

Been reading and re-reading the rules and I can't figure this out...


If its anything like Ophelia's ability to do the same thing, it would break the chain. You would activate that construct, then complete the chain.

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Page 53 (from memory) of the rules manual tells us that a model that activates immedeatly will activate after the current model has finished its activation, but before any models that are simultaneously activating with it.

SO Hoffman finishs his activation, the over ridden construct goes, and then his companioned models.

But I have just read your actual question, and how it relates to models that have already activated in the chain, which is much harder.

I think it will interupt the chain and reactivate.

My only concern about this is that a similar question regarding Ramos and re activate was ruled that re activate required the opponent a chance to activate before he could use his re-activate even if an activated model some how allowed him to activate.

(In all honesty I can't fully explain that ruling, so I can't explain this one, but my best guess is that the model would be allowed to activate straight after Hoffman)

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Crazy, I was just about to ask a very similar question.

Say I companion activate Hoffman and his Totem. Activating him first, I use Override Edict on his ride (which has already activated previously in the turn) and then his (0) Linked In.

Would I be incorrect then in saying that the order of activation (barring any other companions) would be Hoffman->Ride->Totem?

At a glance that seems to be how it would work, based on the wording of Linked In in particular.

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Good to know, though I'm looking specifically at the 3 model combo more than an Ortega style group bombing. I'll keep it in mind, however, given that of his 3 (0)'s, I only really want to use 1. Guess I could Tap Power a construct outside of the death ball if I had something like a Watcher off where I'd intended to be, but the less telegraphing in advance this move has, the better, or so I assume.

More food for thought.

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