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Working my way through the mountain of models hiding at the back of the cupboard


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I'm trying to ignore the vast amount of 40k IG sitting staring at me so I'm trying to work through The Guild as well as any others I like the look of :)

So far I've got Lady Justice's crew and a few hangers on painted up but we'll get there in the end. My entire Guild crew is going to be based on browns and bluey-black. Only the uniques will be different or have an extra colour to make them stand out on the table.


Lady J - I love the look of wyrd models but this one terrified me after painting 40k models all my life. Ended up having a go after finishing off the rest of her box


The Judge - The first Malifaux model I painted and it's going to be the first one I strip and redo as well. I just can't paint white to save my life. It will probably end up being a very light tan next time.


Scales of Justice - Never been a fan of this model as there isn't that much you can do to make it your own. Still I like how easy it is to get it looking half decent.


The Executioner - I hate the original sculpt that much that I refused to buy it to include in my crews. Then I finally found a photo of the alt sculpt and I fell in love with it. I've never painted that much flesh on one model though and it's sort of fell into the same boat as the Judges jacket. It'll do until I know I can do better.


The Death Marshals - Fantastically easy to paint and stupidly awkward for me to build them up at the right angle so that they don't look stupid.


Witchling Stalkers - I picked these up for a team tournament when I thought I'd need a harder hitting melee crew. Stupidly easy to paint and I just love the poses. I say stupidly easy to paint but I just remembered the eyes were the bane of my life for a few days!

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I've had to pick up a couple of hounds as well to add a little bit of speed to my crews when it's needed and I've got Sonnia Criid on my painting table as well although she's been there for a while...

I've also got The Viktorias crew box sitting assembled and primed waiting to be painted for a friend.


I hate these models. I love how animated they are but I hate painting them. I just struggled with the details. I guess doing it at 2am whilst watching the US elections probably didn't help with that one...

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I'm coming around to the hounds. I think the dislike is because I hate the muzzle on the one on the left and I just know it's leg is going to snap at some point in the near future as I only have to breath on it and it bends out of position.

Edited by bobzilla
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I have a friend that hates to paint. He hates it that much that I don't ever remember him buying any figures that weren't already prepainted and sold on ebay. So with that in mind I was more than happy to paint his Malifaux stuff for him when he got his hands on a Viks crew box.


I'm very wary of painting figures like this. It's purely because I can't paint eyes, which I sort of lucked out with on the Lady J crew, and I don't want to mess them up too badly for him.

I learned a lot painting Taelor though. I think I've worked out my problems with painting white for a start. I had a few issues painting the trousers as they look very drybrushed when they weren't. I've always watered my paints down with water and flow enhancer but I'd never tried using acrylic medium before. Makes things a whole lot easier!

Overall I've happy with how it came out :)

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Taelor is looking pretty sweet :) all your models are looking good and the lighting effect from the flames on the death marshals coffin is looking good as well. I tried the same effect on my witchling stalkers with there eyes.

The models as a whole are looking really nice and like the majority of warhammer and 40k painters (myself included) you have gone for an over all colour scheme for your crew which i am a big fan of :D

Heres a like for painting white for you. Hope it helps :)http://blog.brushthralls.com/?page_id=1968

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Cheers for the link.

If I'd have had any other faction than Guild I think I'd have been painting them up so that every single model looked like an individual but I think with the way the Guild works they have to have some sort of unifying uniform or they just don't look right :)

The lighting effect on the coffin terrified me. I'd never tried anything like that before. It looks good but I think there is a lot I can still do to improve it for next time.

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Next up is Bishop.

Not happy with the eyes and that he is so bland but the guy I'm painting them for wants them like they are on the box. I guess I'm just not used to my rank n file guys looking so different :)


Just noticed from the photo there are a few bits I need to touch up but I'm happy enough with it that once they are done I can move on to Johan and the Viks

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Half way through the Viks crew I get my sons Ophelia crew delivered as well. Add to that I have a tournament tomorrow and wanted to have the option of taking Lucius with me. Cue frantic painting in bad light.


I don't know how I did it but I managed to kill it first time around. I'm guessing it was the later hour and the bad light but it was horrendous. I didn't have time to strip it back and start again though as it needed to be done by noon today as I'm going to be nowhere near a paintbrush until after the tournament. So in other words what you see here is my attempts to save what I could.

And the best bit? I don;t even think I'll be taking him tomorrow after coming up with a crew I love that doesn't include him! :S

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When it's intentional I've usually touched it with a finger to lift paint off just before it dries but not whilst it's soaking wet.

The rest of the time I put it down to bad lighting in the painting area where I can't see how thin I've got the paint or how much paint is still on the brush.

I think.

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I started on the Ophelia box. Apologies for the bad photo, didn't have any decent lights so focusing was a nightmare.


I've had the bases finished for over a week now and this is the first model/s I've managed to actually get done since then to put on them! It's reminded my why I like painting Space Orks and that maybe I should dig a few out from my 'box where models go to die' to practice on before doing any more of the gremlins :)

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Cheers :)

I do need to sort out a decent back ground for the models. The focus issue in this case was mostly that the table was set up in the one part of the room that had almost no light so I couldn't actually see through the viewfinder to focus properly. Had to rely on the flash to light them up. The depth of field was off as well as to take it handheld I had to open the aperture right up :)

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Last night's attempt was Johan. I've been trying to get this one finished for a while but just not had the time to get past the base layers. The colour scheme on the box reminded me of the very first wood elves that I painted. I think they were the first plastic ones that GW produced and they were horrendous but my colour scheme was almost exactly the same!


When I took the photo I new I hadn't finished off the base but after looking at it yet again I'm finding a few things to tidy up such as the hammer handle around the fingers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been very slow round here for the last few weeks. I managed to finish off Francois though so thats me up to speed with the gremlins I've started so I can finally get around to finishing off the Viks.


I don't know if it's because he is so plain but I didn't really enjoy painting him. Lots of character but it missed something and I think thats what made it take so long to paint. I just didn't have the urge to finish him.

I'd better get my backside in gear though as my painting queue is filling up fast with the kids Christmas purchases!


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