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XIX Century terrain (Micro Art Studio - Wolsung)


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As mentioned over here i recently acquired one of the Wolsung XIX Century buildings and promised to post some pictures.

What you get:

Six sheets of HDF (numbered 1-6)


Two sheets of thick paper (pictured are some of the parts)


I've only started assembling and had to take it apart again yesterday due to the clue(or whatever the sticky stuff is) on the HDF Board (first time i assemble this kind of terrain). I then cleaned all parts with a damp cloth. This took quite some time for the parts i had already removed from the sheets. The other parts were cleaned pretty quick.

Lessons learned: Clean parts BEFORE removing from the HDF sheets.

Some of the removed parts(the smallest parts of the kit)


These are only the parts for the roof and some parts from the ground floor. There are quite a lot of parts on the sheets. Assembly isn't very hard as you only need to stick the parts together. They fit tight and the building gets very sturdy. Right now i'm figuring out whether to use PVA clue or not.

Removing the parts from the HDF sheets is a bit more tricky because the parts aren't fully cut. There are minor connections preventing them from falling out, these need to be cut with a hobby knive. After these connections have been cut the larger parts can be removed very easily. The smaller parts are harder to remove and you'll need to be careful not to break any.

Ground floor barebone (4 walls and floor) loosely stuck together for size comparison/scale. Inside the building is a Rotten Belle, outside Leveticus on MicroArt base.


Well i hope this was helpful to anyone, turned into more of a review then just some pictures. :)

Additional pictures can be found on the Wolsung Indiegogo-Campaign site.

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My concern is the cutting. how hard is it to cut out a piece. im mainly concerned with the smaller pieces and the fact that there are 6 sheets of things to cut out.

Well, the pieces are cut all the way through the HDF (3mm). They are held in place by tiny notches that are only cut halfways. I'll try to take a picture later.

There aren't too many of those notches, maybe 2-3 on the really large pieces. It's pretty much the same with the small pieces only with less notches.

Still the sheer amount of the small pieces and the fact that you wont be able to cut the notch complete because the blade is too thick makes removing these parts a bit harder and quite annoying.

In the end the small parts just take more time and careful handling and they can be removed without breaking them.

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i used a scalpel for the Cutting: worked quite well and the notches were easy to remove: i'll make some pics from mine (bought at Spiel) this weekend...

only problem i have is i broke some of the smaller parts... but as there are spare ones and i was able to glue it it was not a real issue at the end... i can only highly recommend it... acctually they have the Wolsung Kickstarter going... there is a "builder" option for just some Terrain pieces... and it's well worth it... i right now trying to get the money together for backing it ^^

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