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Yan Lo and Ashigaru Poxies


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I really want to play Yan Lo (especially now that I've decided to sell my Misaki crew in an attempt to grab another player for my group) but his model and other stuff aren't out for a while. So, a while ago I had a hair brain idea to start an ancient Chinese VC army for Warhammer (cost was too great and my love for that game has vanished, to finish it) and realized that I had a few models I could use for the new Malifaux stuff, especially for Yan Lo and company. Below are some pics of the proxies I will be using!


My Yan Lo proxy is an old Reaper mini from their Chronoscape series. I forget the name and I'm too lazy to google it lol. I think based on the scheme I painted him in last year, I will do the same to the rest.

My Ashigaru are scratch built from the bodies of Bretonnian Men at Arms and the arms, heads and spears from the new VC Skeleton kit.

In the group shot, the model in the back will be my Izamu stand in...it is an Ogrun Bokur from Warmachine without his shoulder armor and shield. I still need to make him more oriental, but he fits for now I guess.





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