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"The Gremlin Harvest" Story Event at Chicagoland Games/Dice Dojo, September 29


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It is almost Autumn in Malifaux, which means it is time for "The Gremlin Harvest," a Malifaux Story Encounter Event on Saturday, September 29.

This is a casual event with no timed rounds, and you can play as many games as you want. Games will begin as early as 10:30 a.m. and "last activation" will be called at 6:00 p.m., but you can start whenever you show up.

There will be prizes for Best Score for each of the three scenarios, Best Painted Crew, Best Sportsmanship, and Best Combined Score for the three scenarios. Prizes will include models not available in stores.

I will be available for intro demos, and there will be thematic snacks.

Chicagoland Games/Dice Dojo

5550 N Broadway

Chicago, IL 60640

(773) 728-3656

Sign up below. See you there!

Edited by Subötai
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“The Gremlin Harvest” Story Encounters

Encounter 1: "Bacon on da Hoof!'

‘Come on boayz! It’s bacon time!’ –Som’er Teeth Jones, politician

Lure a warpig to your waiting trap, or kill it to deny your opponent their spoils.


Place the Wild Warpig (stat card provided) in the center of the table. Each player takes 4 Slop Tokens and gives 1 each to four members of their crew.


During the Resolve Effects Step, the last player to activate a model activates the Wild Warpig. It will (1) Swine Dash the closest model in LoS that is not another Pig, twice. It will use (0) Eat My Fill after killing a model. It will not use (+1) Reckless. It will not move away from a model it is attacking. If a ranged attack is made within 8” of the Wild Warpig, it will immediately (1) Swine Dash toward that model after resolving the ranged attack. If a Wild Warpig has been removed from the game, or is within a deployment zone at the End Closing Phase, place it in the center of the table, and remove all effects and heal all Wd.

Models with a Slop Token can make a (1) Consume Slop action to remove the token from the game and make a Healing Flip. The Wild Warpig will immediately make a (1) Swine Dash toward the model if within 18”.

Models with a Slop Token can make a (1) Feedin’ Time action to immediately cause the Wild Warpig within 18” to make two (1) Swine Dash toward the model. If the Wild Warpig makes and attack on the model that made the (1) Feedin’ Time action, remove the Slop Token from the game.


A player scores +1 VP if the Wild Warpig is in their deployment zone at the End Closing Phase.

A player scores +1 VP if the Wild Warpig is completely within their deployment zone at the End Closing Phase.

A player scores +1 VP if the Wild Warpig is removed from the game by a member of their Crew.

A player scores +1 VP if the Wild Warpig is removed from the game by a member of their Crew while completely within their opponent’s deployment zone.

The maximum VP from this Encounter is limited to 4.

Encounter 2: "Gremstool Pickin' Time!"

‘Those gremstools will go wonderfully in my waif and silurid stew.’ –Zoraida, chef

Collect more gremstools than your opponent.


Before crews are deployed, each player places one 30mm Gremstool Marker completely within their opponent’s deployment zone, and two Gremstool Markers completely within 10” of their opponent’s deployment zone. Place an additional neutral Gremstool Marker in the center of the board. These markers must be at least 8” away from each other.


After the first turn of the game, models in base contact with a Gremstool Marker you placed, or the neutral Gremstool Marker can take a (2) Interact action to Harvest the Gremstool Marker and remove it from the game, or a (1) Interact action and flip a card. If a Book or Mask is flipped, Harvest the Gremstool Marker and remove the marker from the game. Insignificant models and models engaged with enemy models cannot take either action.


A player scores +1 VP if their Crew has Harvested both Gremstool Markers that they placed outside their opponent’s deployment zone.

A player scores +2 VP if their Crew has Harvested the Gremstool Marker that they placed in their opponent’s deployment zone.

A player scores +1 VP if their Crew has Harvested the neutral Gremstool Marker.

Encounter 3: "Goin' Ta Market!"

‘Sargeant, without all goods passing through our markets, how will we know how much to tax them? Hmm?’ –Lucius, political theorist

Get your harvest to market, and prevent your opponent from doing the same.


Each player places one 50mm Wagon Marker (Ht 4, impassable, hardness 3, and can suffer 3 Dg before being removed from the game) completely within their deployment zone and touching a table edge after all crews are deployed.


Each turn, both players move their Wagon Markers 6” toward the Market (6” x 6” open terrain piece in the center of the board). A Wagon Marker may not move over models, and stops if it comes in contact with them. Models may attack Wagon Markers with melee attacks only. The Wagon Marker cannot be attacked if it is within melee range of one of its crew’s models.


A player scores 2 VP if their Wagon Marker is completely within the Market at the end of the Encounter.

A player scores +1 VP if they have damaged their opponent’s Wagon Marker.

A player scores +1 VP if their Wagon Marker is undamaged at the end of the Encounter.

Edited by Subötai
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Scenario 1 is "Bacon on da Hoof!', a custom scenario where a warpig starts in the middle of the board, and killing it gets 1 VP, or ending a turn with it in your deployment zone is 2, and if either condition is met, it resets to the middle of the board. There will be slop tokens that each side will start with to lure the warpig. Ranged attacks within 8" will cause the warpig to stampede.

I am still playtesting this scenario, so I'll post finalized rules Thursday night.

Scenario 2 is "Gremstool Pickin' Time!", a modified Shared Destroy the Evidence (can't interact first turn).

Scenario 3 is "Goin' Ta Market!", a modified Shared Supply Wagon (there will be a 6" x 6" terrain piece (the market) where the wagons need to be completely within).

I'm compiling a set of Story Encounters (see my sig). Once you post these, I'd love to include them. These all sound really fun.

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