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Dead Doxy vs Rotten Belle?


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For things like the treasure counters or shared line in the sand Crooligans are one of the harder things to knock of objectives.

I want to make sure I am understanding what you are saying here. If you mean Crooligans, I agree a bit about line in the sand, but I think they are terrible for Treasure Hunt.

Their ability that makes them push up to their walk after interacting basically means that they drop the treasure since you cannot carry it and be pushed.

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Oh I know. I don't use that push, I use them to hold the Treasure Counter as I've found them incredibly durable. I do hope I've been playing that correct that they can choose not to activate that push.

I however have yet to use Night Terrors, I play lots with Molly, but I'm not sure they'd be better. I have a hard enough time keeping the Crooligan's safe and they are certainly more durable. And the speed boost for Night Terrors is also a push yes?

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So the same thing that the Crooligans do as well? I typically run the three of them as a pack, they work better that way. Plus throw up the mist on the treasure carrier and the other's can warp to his aid(and with df7 he can usually disengage).

These are my experiences so far at least, i did just try out Night Terrors, and while they are amazing I think for most things I prefer the Crooligans. However deliver a message I think they just became my go to choice. Possibly also with plant evidence/destroy the evidence, but haven't tried them out with that yet.

In my experiments, Crooligans without Molly have proven to be lacking potential not the least of which is the lose of one of their number, though I still don't find them crap.

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Seeing how deliver the message is one of the outright most broken strategies out there, I wouldn't look too much into it. But a pack of 3 night terrors is still 3 cheaper than the crooligans, spirit of the bat, so no trigger dependency to stay alive plus hard to kill and most importantly, don't depend on a spell to do their job.

Also, a night terror in a single activation can bring his meatshields with him, crooligans need the first activation throwing up the mist (if he is misting, he is not moving), then an activation later, the first one can come to help and then another activation later, the second one joins in.

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Oh? Why do you find deliver a message to be broken? Honestly curious here haven't had an issue with it myself.

Although spirit without a trigger is nice, and so is three points cheaper. Hadn't noticed Hard to Kill, that is a good bump to a three wound model. Not certain how well it combo's with spirit as well, but it certainly can't hurt.

However, I don't mean to dispute that Night Terrors are better objective grabbers, while both can move 18 inches or so(although depending on how you can angle that push on the Terrors they can get a bit further), but the Crooligans need Molly within 4" when the first one moves a 7+:masks and an 8+ with no suit. (Molly activates and grants Imbue Vigor on Crooligan within 4"; Crooligan casts The Mists and then takes a Wk action of 11"(4[base Wk]+3[imbue Vigor]+2[Molly]+2[The Mist]; Second Crooligan activates, Curiosity Calls, and Wks.), but that took three activations and your second crooligan is now stuck in the open and has used all his action points. Crooligans can go fast, but they are not Night Terrors. Now if Curiosity Calls was a (0) we'd have a debate.

Normally I'd have two hanging out by themselves, and a third next to Molly to slingshot up if they need support. That one uses the mist slingshot Wk of 11 to put the other two in The Mist, they could then dart out, interact, and Always on the Move back into The Mist.

My preference for crooligans has more to do with finding them versatile. I think they're decently punchy, pretty survivable, and fast. They are not the best at these things, but they are also not the worst, and I am now apparently on a campaign in support of them lol(completely accidently).

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As an example where they do work rather nicely, I run Molly with Nicodem and the ability to easily summon more Crooligans and then have them jump across the table can make it really easy to hold something like stake a claim. That's just one thing though and it works with the way I run my crew and for certain objectives. If it's an objective you need to pick up and move, the night terrors are usually more valuable, unless you're dealing with a crew that can easily dump out magical pulses or blasts, such as gremlins or Sonnia.

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I can do deliver the message at the end of my first turn with Kirai without batting an eye, yet other lists have to actually work for it and this isn't even going into the whole "suicidal master to deny strategy" thing. It's playable, but it's one of the most bipolar strategies in the game and I tend to avoid playing it because of this.

As for the croolis, well, yeah, had it been a 0 action to shift through mists, we'd be cooking with gas and I'd be a lot more interested in them or maybe if they had companion with each other, but as is, I'll always reach out for some belles and crooked men at the 4 point range before them (drowned are pending testing, a lot of people vouch for them but still not seeing them) and terrors for objective duty.

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My answer is outside of ressers but several neverborn masters as well as collodi make it stupidly easy to deliver a message on turn 1, depending on deployment sometimes on activation 1.

Word!!! I hate your collodi... That dang treasure hunt was no picnic either...

(Please tell me you have not painted him yet! :) )

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