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Doppleganger with Unhealthy Relationship How Stupid Can You make this?


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So I picked up some additional Neverborn models with the intent of playing a Zoraida/Collodi list and when my EBO models arrive a Pandora list. Now looking over the cards for the models I picked up a thought occurred to me. Why not have the doppleganger mimic unhealthy relationship? I checked the rules and as far as I can tell there is nothing preventing this, Unhealthy relationship doesn't refrence Pandora by name and it is a talent so it is legal. The doppleganger's ability isn't a spell so it wont be giving mimicked abilities to other woes but it does allow adjacent woes to use the mimics own 0 actions...

So the obvious next step of this idea would be to take 3 or 4 sorrows to be able to spam mimic or to take already powerful woes (Lilitu pair or perhaps Mr Tannen) and make them able to steal other aspects to compliment their existing powers.

So the big question. If you were running a Doppleganger to mimic unhealthy relationship, what would you do next? Stick flurry on Lelu? Give Mature Nephillim claws to a group of Sorrows? Stick eternal on Lilitu? Stick the box opens on some sorrows to cover even larger areas? Or something else all together.

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Negative Play Experience.

It's a term that is getting out of hand, imo.

Agreed, I'm just extra grumpy about it because I got smashed into itty bits with it last night ><

Well, I've been seeing it more and more around the forums, but I think its a good summary of playing vs pandora. She dictates the entire game. Forcing negative flips, stopping your opponent from cheating, then stitched hitting them for 3/4/7 damage is brutal, and there's nothing they can do about it. Even getting :-fate on initiative if they have the doppleganger. I played a player who was learning with what I thought was a "Soft" pandora crew, mainly using models I've never played before, and it was ridiculous. I ended the game turn 2 and we re-started with me using my arcanists instead.

I can't apply the same term to hamelin however. I can see how he's a pain to play against, but the only experience I have against him was against a fun opponent, and I was using pandora, so had my own NPE thing going on :')

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Something I got to pull off a while ago against an Ortega crew that compainioned everyone together first activation, leaving me to activate everyone else. Doppleganger activates, copying pandora's Emotional Trauma and Unhealthy Relationship. Candy, Kade and a group of Sorrows activate, all runing over to the doppelganger and copying emotional trauma. Now for Candy (who I activate last out of the woes) and Pandora, any failed WP test from their spells results in 7 wounds to the enemy. Killed Perdita, Santiago and Abuela.

Not exactly something you can reliably use, but pretty funny at the time.

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