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White Gesso


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When I started looking into using Gesso for basing I was told that white gesso was made by the devil, and the more I try to use it the more true it seems to become. I can't seem to get the same clean finish with white that I do with black. I've tried both Liquetex and Bob Ross gesso both straight from the bottle, and with a 1:1:2 mix (1 part water, 1 part matte medium). Straight from the bottle its too thick and streaky, and mixed its too thin. Part of my problem may be that I've been trying it on vinyl models lately (Super Dungeon explore to be specific), and have a model currently drying in black to test that theory. Anyone have advice on working with white gesso?

Also any advice on reducing air bubbles in your gesso? Hasn't been a big issue when using it straight other then the odd few, but I noticed it was more common with the mixed stuff. Kind of sucks that I did need to strip Sam again due to a popped air bubble over his eye.

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I've used Liquitex white gesso on models before with good results. I think the problem is that vinyl is the devil to paint on. The water in the paint wants to run off it badly. Try giving it a dry brush first. That should give your gesso enough tooth to adhere to without too much build up. You'll probably still need a second coat.

I haven't worked out any method to avoid bubbles in my gesso yet. I try not to work too much air into it when I mix in my water and medium, and I try to pop any that form when I undercoat a model by blowing on them gently. Some get away from me though.

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So couple of examples comparing Black, White, and Grey gesso. All three were Bob Ross brand.


Camera wouldn't focus, but you can still see a clear difference in the white compared to the other two.


Example of what the base plastic for the chests looked like.


Comparison of the black on Miss Terious and a Kobold. Fun fact, putting Gesso on too thick makes it near impossible to remove as seen on the other kobold. Definetly noticed a ton of bubbles in the dried white gesso on my palette that I tried the 1:1:2 mix with. At the very least grey seems to be working well so may end up switching to grey if I can't get white working.

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Super Dungeon Explore minis are vinyl? I thought they were styrene or something because the material feels like model plastic to me. At any rate, I'm in the same boat. I bought some white acrylic gesso from a brand named 'Pro Art' and tried to glop it on like I've heard is possible, but it stayed gloppy and chalky.

The mini I tried it on is soaking in simple green as we speak. I think I'll try some Bob Ross black gesso next (have to admit that I laughed when I saw the Bob Ross line of products). Maybe it will work better and I'll end up with something usable.

My only other option is to go back to the grey model master brush on primer, but it takes too many thin coats and I'm a little on the lazy and impatient side (too humid around here for spray primer).


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Well I tried some of the Bob Ross brand grey gesso and I'm loving it. It shrinks in tight and I can't see any detail being obscured. The white primer from the 'Pro Art' brand was completely different in a bad way (although I'm a little more careful when I apply the grey now to avoid a lot of extra gesso forming up as well). I don't know if the company is to blame or if all white primer is awful for miniatures as this thread implies, but I'm happy with the grey at any rate.

I'm using it on the Super Dungeon Explore minis btw, just like the OP.

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