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SoCal Smackdown 9-21 to 9-23, Anaheim Southern California!!!!


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This is it! SoCal Malifaux's birthplace is now its homecoming!

SoCal Smackdown- Orange County's Premier Gaming Convention is pleased to announce events by SoCal Malifaux:



All Weekend

Mayor of Malifaux- TO Octave Villar

Description: (GM Octave Villar) Mayor Of Malifaux is a SoCal Smackdown Exclusive, and is for overall participation in SoCal Malifaux events. Over the course of the weekend, as you participate in events, play friendly games, teach new players, and do whatever it takes to prove you are “sown” for SoCal Malifaux, you’ll be earning votes in your campaign for mayor! What’s the prize this time? Something completely different, and something you won’t want to miss! Stop by the SoCal Malifaux booth to turn in your votes each day, and win the election for Mayor!


6:00pm – 10:30pm Scenario Encounters.

Description: (GM Octave Villar): Choose from up to three different scenario encounters for up to 4 player, cooperative play. Ideal for newcomers to Malifaux, or those who are interested in learning how to play different crews/models. Players do not need to bring any materials- all materials will be provided, and small prizes will be raffled off to participants.

1) Labor Uprising (Rail Crew vs. Guild) - Octave Villar

2) Dead Man's Hand (Dark Debts vs. Anyone)- Jake Schrieber

10:00 - Midnight - TEDDY BEAR RAMPAGE!

GM:Noxweiler Berf

The raw forces of magic contained within Malifaux have been unleashed by Pandora in a bid to destroy the Guild's control of the city once and for all...but the powers that Pandora has unleashed may be too much for even her to control. Lady Justice, Hoffman and Sonia Cridd are on the front lines against Pandora, Lilith and...Seamus. Due to the unparallelled magic that has been unleashed, strange manifestations are running rampant in DOWNTOWN! Can you and your team secure the necessary objectives to stop or control the magics that permeate Malifaux? Or will you end up as a late night snack for a roaming Teddy...or worse...

6 players - 6 masters - 6 hungry teddy bears


10AM-2PM Malifaux Achievement League - Laura Egger

2 Rounds – 45min (20ss), 80min (25ss)

Description: (GM Laura Egger): The Malifaux 1 Day Achievement League is a staple event for SoCal Malifaux. This 2 round event is ideal for brand new or casual players, and is focussed on teaching you how to play the game of Malifaux in a relaxed, “tournament-structured” environment. Players may bring their own crews or even borrow crews from SoCal Malifaux to participate! Prizes will be awarded for the top achiever and favorite opponent!

12pm - 3pm Malifaux Masters Challenge - Aaron Nance

Description:(GM Aaron Nance) Malifaux Master’s challenge is composed of mini-games such as Whack a Moleman and the Malifaux Rider’s Cup. Each mini game should take an hour or so to complete, and prizes will be raffled off to the winners. All game materials will be supplied to participants.

3pm-5pm FO Gupps Frogger - Octave Villar

Description: (GM Octave Villar) Prepare your three man teams for FO Gupps Frogger at SoCal Smackdown! This 2 hour mini event combines all the pressure of speed painting with the intensity of 1980's arcade gaming! Can you save your Gupps, or run over the other team in time for victory? All materials provided.

5pm - 5:30pmpm Road to Smackdown Achievement League Awards Ceremony- Jake

9pm-2AM Box Set Bash Team Tournament - Joe Morales

- 25ss - 3 Rounds – 90 Minutes Each

Description: (GM Joe Morales) Malifaux Box-Set Bash is a two-player “intermediate play” tourney. The tourney is designed for players of mixed skill levels, so bring a friend! Each player countrols a separate, legal 25ss crew (teams must be of the same faction) in a 3 round tournament. Crews must contain at least one of each different type of minion included in their selected master’s box set.


10am – 5pm The Krampus Kup - Jake Schreiber

25ss - Single Faction - Domination Format - 3 Rounds – 90 Minutes Each

Description: (GM Jake Schreiber): The Krampus Kup is a 3 round, 25ss Tournament that follows Gaining Grounds rules. Registration begins at 10:00AM and the tournament begins promptly at 11am.

Held at the Anaheim Convention Center, September 21st-23rd!

For tickets and registration, see http://Socalsmackdown.com

For more info, see: http://www.facebook.com/groups/socalmalifaux/ or PM Ebonstar on these forums.

Tickets are on sale now! Event slots are filling up fast!

Register for Smackdown today!

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