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New not-quite-yet player looking for some advice on list making


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Hello all, my name is Corwin from Cincinnati, OH, and after my recent trip to Gencon I came across this interesting looking game named malifaux. I was short on funds at the time and was unable to actually acquire any models, but ever since the con, it has been living in the the back of my brain, demanding the occasional beer and maybe playing his music too loudly.

Money is tight right now, but as soon as the funds are available, I am looking to acquire a crew. But my biggest problem right now is I'm torn between the Guild and the Outcasts. I've perused the wiki and have come up with 2 lists that best personifies the reason I want each faction. And while I would love to get both, I'm probably going to end up favoring the one I pick first.

The Guild- Sonnia Criid as master with Lucius and Guild guardsmen filling out the ranks. I like the potential of sonnia flinging fireballs everywhere while totally digging the look of the Guard (especially the Rifleman in the upcoming expansion). I know they don't synergize particularly well, but I like shooting things with the occasional explosion (as befitting a Cygnar player if any of you happen to dabble in Warmachine). I also like the concept of being the law, even if it is kind of an oppressive regime kind of thing. It also helps I like the look of a lot of the other Guildies as well.

The Outcasts - Viktorias with Von Schill and his merry band of mercs. I like the sounds of a lot of the Viktorias abilities and the look of Schill and his crew. I also dig the idea of being a group of lawless mercs just running around and fighting their own fight. I love the trapper with his sniper rifle (and Hans too), the Specialist with his Flamthrower and the librarian with her spells. I also like how Von Schill and co. are somewhat durable (although I know the Viks are glass cannons). My main fear is that while I really like these models (and a select few others not listed), more so than some of the guild models, none of the other Outcasts really appeal to me.

Sorry for the Great Wall of Text, but these are just the thoughts that I've been kicking around the last few days and looking to get some pro advice.

Also, to the 2 Henchmen that helped me out at the booth during the Con, I can't remember your names (but I was the fairly tall, Asian-looking guy with the pony shirt if that jogs your memory). Ironically enough, one was a Sonnia player and the other Viktorias. You both were very informative and helpful. If I knew who your manager was, I'd write a glowing review.

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First off, welcome to the forums and to Malifaux! Guild are quite well known for their shotting abilities and the new book will just add to that. The real key to malifaux is to pick a faction you like, not just a master. You will soon find yourself buying more models and if you stick to one faction you can pick and mix the ones you like. Now this is not quite the same with Outcast as they almost act like their own factions within a faction. Most masters will not work with others, the gremlins are one group, the mercs another then Hamelin and Leveticus are the two odd balls. So the Viks/ von schill group is a good choice to keep your cost low, but if want to get more choice in the long run, then guild would be the way to go.

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The Viktorias and Von Schill were, in fact, my first two leaders when I got into Malifaux over a year ago. They're very fun to play, not overly complex to learn with and they have plenty of interesting options to choose from. (Fun idea: run the Viks with the Friekorps Librarian and the Friekorps Trapper, a separate model from Von Schill's box.)

I eventually spread into the Guild as my second faction, but regardless, most folks find they end up playing at least two factions. They're all so different in their flavors, play style and model types that it's hard not to have a variety.

Welcome to the community. Definitely ask questions if you want to know anything.

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Hello Nuka!

That is a nice thing about Malifaux is that each model has a unique impact to the game so just by switching out a couple models, you make the entire crew act way differently.

The Guild, like you said, are the oppressive rule of the humans against the world. Though they try to take on the facade of caring about their citizens they really care about protecting them just enough to get the resouces of the world back to Earth-side.

The Guild consist of different Masters who take care of a certain problem. Sonnia takes care of the Arcanist trouble who by using Witchling Stalkers (ex-Arcanists or general magic users who were made to forget their past) are built to take on or just deny offensive magic. Lady J is up against the undead problem by taking people who always remember to burn corpses and know to always go for the head. Perdita's crew is made up of her entire family or other people who are very close to the Ortegas. They work together so closely they can outwit and outsmart the Nephilim, who are usually speed demons, constantly. Dropping a Neph as it charges is better than taking them out when they are close. C. Hoffman is Guild because it's the only way he can get access to resources to fix his genius brother who had undertaken a severe mental trauma and rebuilt entirely physically. C. Hoffman takes care and upgrades the Guild's constructs and can do this easily since he bonds with them so easily with his new found powers.

The Guild knows what problems there are out there and hire the right people to take care of them.

As a Guild player though, there is nothing stopping you from hiring Mercs. Von Schill is the creme de le creme Merc. His crew used to be Guild but he and the Governer General did not see eye to eye. He is, thought, able to be contracted out but only for the right price.

Guild is really good to start out as you can just about have a good idea which Master to take after the opponent declares what faction they are taking (there are faction Masters who do not fall entirely in the concept with the faction you always have to remember).

Sonnia is really good because she can play defensivly and can fire at casters through walls if their Casting attribute is high enough. Plus she can hire more Witchlings in the middle of the game by converting the opponent's models, which can be very clutch at times.

Buying a box of Sonnia and then, eventually, a box of Von Schill to be hired on as a merc would be an amazing first two boxes.

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