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Som'er vs Ramos


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so have read up on Pull My Finger about Ramos but still wanting to ask if anyone has tips on what gremlins you'd take against Ramos if Som'er is your master? Please note I don't have piglets yet, no pigapult, it's shared destroy the evidence, 27SS and we have to use the starter box models as the basis for the crew.

With thanks in advance!

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How effective will Alpha Stank or Gremline Gunline be? They've all got armour, right? I had been thinking of taking:


Mosquito - 2SS

4 Bayou Gremlins - 8SS

Warpig - 8SS

Then options for the other 9SS include:

  • Taxidermist + Bayou - 8SS (to recycle corpse counters, make some moveable bombs and have more fodder for factory)
  • 3 Bayou's + Slop Hauler - 9SS (quickly get up to 8 Bayou's [all at full health] then run for his end zone to get those objective markers, but light on defence [use the warpig?])
  • Ophelia - 8SS (to provide some punch to attacks and stability to a gunline)
  • 2 Bayou's + Slop Hauler - 8SS (to get the factory moving quicker and everyone up to health)
  • Rami + Bayou - 8SS (for long range cover at my end of the table and more factory fodder)
  • Raph + Bayou - 8SS (for running up the board 20" and more factory fodder)
  • Pere + 2 Bayous - 9SS (if Ramos does less WP duels then Pere could be a way to take out one of his big things fast if I can flip in a ram for breathe fire)

My experience is still quite lacking, so not sure what combo to take or whether to go with some other mix.

Also, does the Warpig's 'Eat Anything' ability allow it to get rid of scrap counters when a construct dies?

Edited by scottb
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Alright some thoughts for you;

If he is stuck with his box but had the money to expand I suspect he will have both the Mobile Toolkit and the Electric creation. With those he can do some pretty decent AOE damage of his own, enough to almost put a bayou gremlin in a single blast of the Electric creation. That said unless he adds some mobility to his force he is going to have to keep moving forward all game to get to all of his evidence marker so any time his force is stuck slowing down is a problem. Be aware he might take some quick cheap model to try and have something to go for the evidence, but if you can kill it great.

On the killing him department, it is to bad that it is not just 3 more stones or I would say hands down to use Ophelia. Her damage output is incredible if you have a few stones to throw her way and she would be capable of putting down even the steamborg with little trouble. The only having 1 stone if you take her makes this a lot harder. Might still be possible but that would require you to prepare yourself well with a Severe card and another high one for your attack, and a skeeter or two to wipe his hand out. She might still be worth it, just means you will be saving that one stone for her and preparing for her to make the most of it.

One of the big things you can do to help your chance of winning is to get the neutral evidence in the middle. I can see several ways to try for it first turn though be mindful as Ramos has a decent range spell and you don't want to be mindful of it. The first is to use your skeeter to Sooey! the warpig forward. Using its 10" move and this spell it should not be to hard to get the warpig close to the marker right off the back. All you have to do then is make sure a gremlin is close enough to prevent it from going wild, go reckless for the extra AP, move to the evidence and then destroy it. Only problem is it leaves your warpig vunerable if he moved the steamborg into position the same turn and he wins initiative. to counter this after it has destroyed the evidence have Somer use Sooey! as well to draw the warpig back to you and to safety.

The second method is to have a bayou gremlin move forward so he is 9" infront of Somer, then have somer move forward and Get your Bro on the bayou. The gremlin he targetted summons the second gremlin so it just has to be entirely with in 6" of the original Bayou. While it will be slow, if you managed to put it touching the Evidence marker it can go reckless and get the second AP it needs to destroy said evidence.

the third method is with Ophelia. Have her move to be 8" exactly in front of the lead bayou, and use her (0) action, Oooh! a Girl! to pull said gremlin into btb with her. But it does not say it has to be the edge of the base closest to where it started, so you can have it push to the other side of her and thus closer to the neutral evidence. This should put them close enough to go reckless and be able to move and destory the evidence. SHould it look like you will be short at the beginning looking down at the board you can extend the range a bit with the warpig. Have it move ahead so it is infront of the lead gremlin and use truffle to pull the gremlin towards it, then Ophelia can move twice or even three times if necessary to get 8" from the gremlin and close enough to the evidence to drop the gremlin with her (0) Action where it needs to be.

All and all I might go with Ophelia just for reliable damage. When it becomes time for killing she can hide in the back a little and boost another gremlin till she sees a safe point to engage. If you can tie up his models with yours and let Ophelia move about picking off his guys safely it will go a long way for her. Just avoid letting Ramos drop some damage on Ophelia or it will pull down her ability to use reckless and Calculated Luck later in the game. Also I would keep your warpig on the stand by so if his constructs do go down and you see an opening you can eat the scrap counters before he can gather them up. Using Pig Charge to help a gremlin in combat but retreat out of it till then.

Also if you have more skeeter models and you look good for getting the neutral evidence counter first turn, I would see if you could make some more and heal them a little with Somer. Having a fully healed skeeter cast Gremlin luck on an enemy and drop 5 cards from their hands will hurt their confidence in their turn alot. Also if you do it after they have already used a card in the turn you can kiss the hand goodbye. If this happens, you have Ophelia, and at least the 1ss and a severe card in your hand it might be the time to let her shine and try to destroy the steamborg *will be easier if it already has a 2+ wounds on it*.

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Soooo glad I took Ophelia! In turn two or three, the steamborg executioner got a series of charges (3 I think), that got him into melee with Som'er (he used push aside which grants him another charge). Som'er survived. Ophelia pushed him out with Ooo a Girl, then shot the Steamborg to bits. She then went to work on something else later on. I won the game but in the end lost every model but a Bayou, who got in the other half to stake a claim and win the game. Things to learn still, but thanks for the advice.

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Glad to here that you won, what was the final Vp score, sounds like you barely won by a point or two. Manage to get the neutral evidence marker?

Ya, Ophelia just gets nasty the more Soulstones you can taken with her too. The problem is not over exposing her or keeping her safe from slingshots as they will know she is a damage machine.

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