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Death Korps


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So, working on getting photos up of all my stuff. Started with my first Death Korps engineer, the dirty colors on this guy mean that it's not crucial to have perfect photos. Need to work on making a light box so I can get the colors on my Malifaux stuff right. Always looking for ways to improve, any suggestions would be great. So, brief little bit of info on the color scheme: The Death Korps are trench fighters, and the way I wanted to do this army was to represent soldiers on an extended campaign. To do that, I painted up the uniform as normal, and then smeared grey mud on his knees, boots, torso, sleeves and the jacket bottom.




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As much as I personally hate gw and anything incorporated with them. When I did play I had a death korps army of guardsmen because they are beautiful models.

Your looks really good as well. I went with a brown coat theme for mine similar to yours, but I didn't add the dirty effect. And now I think I should have, it looks really good.

But that's all in the past. :)

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