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3D printed minis


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Though being something of a luddite I am aware that minis can now be sculpted as digital files and then printed out on a 3D printer. I'm curious to know whether it's possible, even if only theoretical at this point, to print a digital mini out in colour (i.e. pre-painted)? Anyone have any idea?

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I bought a 3d Printer, and the home quality visions have a resolution of .3mm meaning that it squeezes out the plastic in strips of .3mm and layers it. Not enough detailed resolution for minis. You would have lots of little lines on it. Also home quality printers have to build up from the ground up, so anything in the shape of an M or T have difiulties sine it has to start from the base, put a layer, then put another layer on top of the existing layer. If there is nothing for the printer to put it on, the plastic will drop to the ground. Lastly the home quality ones take plastic filament, melt it like a hot glue gun and then place it in the rights spot. Mine only has room for 1 colors filament at a time, so everything is one color, even professional ones might have at most 3-4 colors, but not mix.

Pro level ones have a much better resolution, and layer powder around the object to support it item, so it can do objects with hanging or downward pointing extremities (don't laugh). But I think color mixing is out of the questions. Also note that the pro level ones are about 10-20 time the cost of a home use one.

I figure(best guess) Wyrd does the digital design themselves, outsources the printing of the beta versions. Then when the final version is ready, get printed on teh best quaility 3D printer available, then a mold is made of that, finally mass produced.

I got a Makerbot... FYI don't buy it... 50+ hours to assemble and take note I work in IT and found the instructions terrible and still have not finished because. I HATE working on it, and after a bad week I need to do something relaxing, this just frustrating. I'm usually not afraid of Assembly required, but I didn't realize I would have to learn how to solder, and assemble the WIRES.

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Thanks for the replies, very informative :). I'm a little way off being able to afford a 3D printer and probably but I was mainly curious whether pre-coloured minis at some point was feasible. Painting minis is one of the biggest barriers to entry to our hobby and if 3D printing could produce minis "pre-painted" to a good tabletop standard it'd make it much easier for people to get into it.

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Interesting idea. I don't quite see it for mass produced models (3D printing every model is too slow and expensive) but maybe for hobbyist one-offs.

As far as buying your own printer...well, my thoughts on that are here in this forum:


Maybe CannonFodder wishes he had listened to me (sorry - couldn't resist *grin* )

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