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Some questions....


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Hi, I've recently decided to take up wargaming again (not done it for a loooooooong time) and, while I always used to play Warhammer and a bit of D'N'D, I've been quite intrigued by Malifaux. The fact that it seems considerably cheaper than GW at the moment is a plus point as well, I cannot deny!

Basically, while I'm roughly familiar with the rules differences between Malifaux/GW- as far as dice vs fate decks are concerned- I'd like to know a little more before I commit one way or the other. So, I mean, how does the system play- in terms of length of an average game, how smooth are the rules, how tough are they to learn to a reasonable standard?

What is the Malifaux community like in the UK, and how does the game work at a tournament level?

These are some quite involved questions I know, but any advice/guidance would be lovely.


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Hi. Welcome to the UK community, which is pretty strong in some areas (and still growing).

Apart from the obvious difference in crew size (compared to Warhammer), and the different rules, the main difference to WFB is that victory is gained by achieving your objectives (random strategy and 2 selected schemes) and restricting your opponent achieving theirs. Decisions made during the game will affect that (so sometimes NOT killing your opponent is an advantage).

Game time - allow 2 hours. Basic rules are easy to learn - mastering the game is the fun part.

Post up where you are and we'll try and find a local henchman or gaming group playing Malifaux.

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