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the difinitive duo


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I have had a quiat day so I spent my time wisely :) I have been going over each master, evaluating there strong and week points and also there combination. The reason I have done this is for my self but also because there has been talk on the weeknes of the faction, and the fact that it stems from needing to know all the masters wear in other factions you can pick one, I have done this so I can strip the faction down to two masters that are good individualy and a good team. so without further or do.

Its ramos and collet

Got to be honest I prefer playing ramos and tina, the combo is fun, and I want to take avatars and by using lots of cod constructs and ramos there is lots of synergy, and when tina turns she can use the constructs, and also I hate colet (the modle, the play style, the fact she feels a little strong), But I digress.

By learning ramos you can win most fighting based strats, and by learning collet you can do most movment strats, and the combonation of the two in a brawl ís sooooo very strong, tomes for colet from the tool kit, and doves for ramos to blow up. Admitedly there synergy isn't as strong as some masters but there individual strengths and half decent synergys make them a force to be rekond with.

So there you are, if you play arcanists and want to learn one master, well that's not going to work, but by learning these two you should cope with anything. You could swap colet for marcus, but he is arguable a weeker pick, and you can swap ramos with karies for a more active master, or tina for a artillery battery, but the best combo of two masters who each have very difeerant spcialtys you have to go for the iron man and the show girl

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