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Nico Ideas I'm toying with


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Pardon me if this is an older topic, but has anyone tried desolation engine with nico? I was thinking of a potential list involving 4 SPAs and a necropunk or even dead rider as a delivery method. Has anyone had any success with such a combination? Any problems with said combo?

Also curious about performers and mannequins paired with Nico. It looks like alot of combo potential, with her giving poison to paralyzed models and the ability to steal SS. Thoughts?

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SPA's into the deso engine works particularly well with nico, because you're able to shield them with nico's fog. With bolster undead their defense goes up to 6 and gives them a bit more protection from picking one off so you can't combine them.

It's also quite a good delivery system for bette when you sacrifice the SPA's you can pop out her and really put a beating on a model.

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SPA's into the deso engine works particularly well with nico, because you're able to shield them with nico's fog. With bolster undead their defense goes up to 6 and gives them a bit more protection from picking one off so you can't combine them.

It's also quite a good delivery system for bette when you sacrifice the SPA's you can pop out her and really put a beating on a model.

Yeah, Bette would be awesome, but currently the list I was primarily thinking about would be for 35 SS, and I don't think I can fit her in. The list is:


2 Vultures


1 Necropunk


1 Crooked Man

Basically, try to out activate the opponent (which won't happen all the time :Sad_Puppet2:) then try to sling the SPAs across the board using Mort's Fresh Meat, the Necros Leap, and their basic move. It's very :masks intensive, but may be worth the effort.

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Obviously this depends on different strategies. But what is the strategy you had in mind for that list?

Just curious because I generally dont get much use out of vultures or mortimer.

---------- Post added at 04:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

Also are you using the necropunk for extra movement for the SPAs? Because that has since been changed (for a couple of years now). Their cards read:

Keep Pace: When a friendly steampunk abomination in base contact with this model takes the walk action, Push this model into base contact with the steampunk abomination at the end of the move.

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Obviously this depends on different strategies. But what is the strategy you had in mind for that list?

Just curious because I generally dont get much use out of vultures or mortimer.

---------- Post added at 04:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

Also are you using the necropunk for extra movement for the SPAs? Because that has since been changed (for a couple of years now). Their cards read:

Keep Pace: When a friendly steampunk abomination in base contact with this model takes the walk action, Push this model into base contact with the steampunk abomination at the end of the move.

Well, that kind of puts a damper on it. I didn't see a V2 statcard for the SPA so I thought I was in the free and clear with that. I think I'm gonna have to purchase the 1.5 rulebook....

And as far a strategies go, there was nothing specific in mind, just try to get a big nasty up and running. With Mortimer, I was thinking at least I could get a CC going at least once per turn and summon necropunks/belles/whatever as needed to help achieve strategies. The vultures were included due to the mobility, so I could at least attempt to support the above big nasty if needed with Decay/Rigor.

Well, I guess another question would be if I use Mort's fresh meat, would I be able to to use Keep Pace to clear more ground (walk one towards the target, move them all up, walk the second one towards the target, move them all up...)?

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In the rule manual it's state clearly that you can only have the number total for a rare model.

So you can't have more then your rare maximum on the table. It's not like the special force where you can have more then one of the same model.

Has for myranda i"m not tottaly sure how she works but i think she is still considered Myranda for the sake of the rare 2 in ceburus.

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I believe it is only rare when you acquire it for your crew. Same as Marcus hiring 2 cerberus and having Myranda shape shift into a 3rd.


It's really not.

You can have one special force, and summon another. You cannot do the same for Rare models. You can only ever have the maximum amount on the board at a time.

So only 1 RN I'm afraid.

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Yes, sorry I stand corrected. I remember reading on here that you could do that. Maybe it was tightened up in the rules manual, maybe it always was.

Lesson learned - don't always trust what you read on the interwebs. Now where's my Nigerian prince and his $4 million he wants to deposit in my account...


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