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questions about the gunsmiths intimidating



Krystophus and I were playing a game today and thought of two interesting situations I wanted some opinions on. First one actually came up in gameplay.

1) Molly activates, reactivates her pitiful ability and activates terrifying 14. The gunsmiths are terrifying 12 to any ht 1, harmless, insignificant, or pitiful models. Does this mean they don't take molly's terrifying? I ruled they wouldn't but since they don't ignore pitiful they were still subject to to WP > WP duel.

2) Also if there ever was a ht 1 model with terrifying, would gumsmiths have to take the test. Again i said no, but just wanted some opinions.

Thanks everyone!!!!

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To further expand on this line of inquiry....Does the Intimidating Ability render the Gunsmith immune to Terrifying effects?

Intimidating: This model is Terrifying->12 to Ht 1, Insignificant, Harmless, and Pitiful models.

Granted this is a conditional Terrifying ability, but its still a Terrifying. Even if a model that would be affected by the Gunsmith's Terrifying is not in play, the Gunsmith (or other model with Intimidating) still has that ability.

I suppose what it start boiling down to, is - Is the Terrifying effect from Intimidating always on... or does it turn on and off as the appropriate models are in play and range?

Personally, I think that the ability is always active and therefore grants a model with Intimidating (such as Gunsmiths) immunity to other Terrifying effects. Feedback and thoughts are appreciated.

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