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Book 1.5 question?

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So we know the book is going to include the rules manual rules, original fluff and V2 cards.

But I wonder if wyrd have also thought about updating the the character rules to account for additions to summoning etc.

(I.e. Mcmourning and Nicodem being able to summon Rogue Necromancy and Seamus using 'arise my sweet' to summon 'dead doxy' )

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Would those rules really need an update? The rogue necromancy and dead doxy have rules on their cards stating that they can summoned, no real need to put that on the master's card. My question would be if the rulebook will have the full rules in them. If I remember correctly, book 1 does not have strategies and schemes listed in it as they didn't show up till book 2. I could be wrong on this, only seen book 1 and 2 a few times.

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I feel if the new book is released they need

To consolidate ALL rules/common actions and modifiers and abilities. I feel like i have to scoure the internet to find a random ability or trigger.

For example I looked for the rules for pitiful for over an hour just to make sure I had it right. Since it was a Common ability it did not say what it was On the card but it also was not in the small rules

Manual. They need to uPdate their index so that ALL terms are represented in the rules. We dont need common triggers and abilities listed we need ALL triggers and abilities listed in a larger book. Im not buying it if it does not have Every rule in it like it should

Edited by JisaacT
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