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Questions that Occured in a Colette Vs. Sonia game



A few questions came up that I have failed to find the answer for, so your assistance would be appreciated.

1. When does Colette's Blinding Flash trigger, hit, miss or both?

2. If a models spells ie: Sonia doesn't have a :ranged does this mean she can cast a spell at model B while in combat with model A?

3. Is it correct that Violation of Magic will fail to produce a Witchling Stalker if Colette uses Slow to Die to cast Death Defy and another showgirl is sacrificed instead?

4. If a model with a 1" melee and is placed just within 2" of a model with Gunslinger is that model now engaged in close combat with the model that has gunslinger?

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6 answers to this question

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1. Colette's trigger works hit or miss. If a trigger works only on a miss (or only on a hit) it will say so.

2. If by "in combat with" you mean "engaged with", then yes.

3. Sonnia would not get a new Witchling in this scenario. If Violation of Magic does enough Wd to kill Colette, Slow to Die activates. Colette casts Death Defying, which switches her with another Showgirl. Colette heals (so does not die). The other Showgirl does not replace Colette as the target of Violation of Magic (VoM has already run its course on Colette). So the other Showgirl just dies as per Death Defying.

4. Yes.

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Thanks, we weren't sure about Blinding Flash, that does clear things up.

However I think I should clarify four in this case the gunslinger is a Gunsmith and the card only has the stats for the gun as a ranged weapon. Read as written it seems that Gunslinger might only come into play when the Gunsmith or anyone else with Gunslinger wants to make a a melee attack. What I guess I'm trying to establish is, is there always a 2" melee range about a model with gunslinger?

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No. Gunslinger only allows you to make melee attacks with the ranged weapon, it doesnt extend your melee range to 2" except in those circumstances. This means that the melee range of the gunmith is 1" (its bash range) when it isnt actively attacking.


This model can make melee Strikes against enemy models up to 2" away with the indicated ranged Weapon. The indicated Weapon gains :melee and loses :ranged when making these Strikes. Models with this ability can block disengaging models with the indicated Weapon. Talents that reference the indicated Weapon may be used in melee.

So being that you can make a disengaging strike with your weapon, and can choose to attack a model 2"away (note the lack of requirement for being within the other model's melee range), the models are then engaged, and I would believe Gunfighters do then have a melee range of 2".

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 AM ----------

More importantly, why would you be able to block a disengaging model if it wasn't engaged

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It states can make mele strikes and gains the mele stat and loses the ranged stat when making a strike at 2" or less. But it specifically states when making the strikes. So say some cmodel (Raspy for example is close, 1.5" away from the model) Nether is engaged in mele, until the opportunity for the gunfighter to make a strike occures, raspy walks away or the gunfighter activates, and so bar those occasions, Raspy would still be able to cast her spells with the gun icon, IF my understanding and interpretation of the rules is correct?

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