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Another Sandwich Model suggestion; Defiler


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They say there is a place, locked up tight and hidden away

Far beyond the empty wastes

Where the Dead and Damned did once roam,

But now they're all just worthless bones,

Sealed up tight, threw away the key,

To keep those monsters away from you and me

A hidden library dwells in there

With magic tomes and empty chairs,

Its dead and gone, like those before

So don't you think about it, anymore

The root of all evil, the Necropolis call,

Where darkness hides from those that walks its hall

Many whispers, but not a word

Speak of the horrors that they've observed

Questions left unanswered bring the tide

Of those that forsake all reason and cross the line,

They wander the waste, for whispers and lies

To find where the ancient secrets hide

Should they look upon themselves

They'd see that they've been fooled quite well

For nothing left but a husk of man

Walks in the body that they once had

To return they can't, they mustn't show

The twisted world that they know

So in the shadows, they will walk

With the darkness that doesn't talk

The vile things that man will do,

Brings in droves of the many who

Are too far gone to be of use

Defiled, broken, left insane

Are the men who carry this pain

Drawn to corpses they find their peace

Beneath a master of equal creed

So rest your eyes, my dear boy,

For no such thing shall become of you

You'll grow up mighty, a kindly man

For if no one else, surely Seamus can

-Poem book found in one of his lairs, sir, it looks mighty old.



Undead, Graverobber, Rare 2

Soul Stone Cost: 5

30 MM Base



Wp:4 :crows

Ca:5 :crows / :tomes

Df: 4

Wd: 5

Sickly Touch

Rg::melee 1

Cb:4 :crows




Sickly Touch: Poison 2.


Hard to Wound 1

Misused Power: When this model casts a spell, it may add either a :crows or :tomes to its Ca, but not both.

Sick Pleasures: At the Start Activation Phase, increase this model's Wp stat by +1 for each Corpse Counter within 6" of it, to a maximum of +3. Models carrying Corpse Counters may only count as +1 for this Ability.



(1)Necrosis: Target model within 6" gains Poison 1 to one of its melee weapons.

(1)Defile Mind: Target model within 4" and this model engage in a Wp->Wp duel. The model losing this duel suffers 2 Dg.

(0)The Hunger for Death: Sacrifice a friendly Undead model within 6". This model makes a Healing Flip.


Wp(:crows:masks)The Darkness Spreads: After Defender loses the Duel, deal no damage. Defender receives Paralyzed. This Trigger may only take effect once per turn.



(CC: 13:crows:tomes / Rst: - / Rg: 8)

Target a Terrain piece. Models without the Spirit or Undead characteristic touching or moving onto that Terrain piece receive 1 Poison Token.


(CC:16 :crows:crows / Rst: - / Rg: :pulse 8)

Corpse Counters and friendly models carrying Corpse Counters gain :aura 4. Terrifying->10 or increase their Terrifying by +1 if they already have Terrifying. If this model is carrying one or more Corpse Counters, it gains Terrifying ->12.

(1)Vile Purpose

(CC: 12:tomes:masks / Rst: - / Rg: :aura 4)

Enemy models removing Corpse Counters from play must win a Wp-> Wp duel with this model or suffer 1 Wd per Corpse Counter removed.

Edited by Sandwich
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Out of curiosity, and having read your other thread that ressers are underpowered/design team aren't giving them the models they need to be competitive against other factions... which void does this model fill in the faction? I see it giving out paralyze and terrifying, both of which we have a number of options for already, and the Vile Purpose seems to work best against other ressers than other factions in general.

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Out of curiosity, and having read your other thread that ressers are underpowered/design team aren't giving them the models they need to be competitive against other factions... which void does this model fill in the faction? I see it giving out paralyze and terrifying, both of which we have a number of options for already, and the Vile Purpose seems to work best against other ressers than other factions in general.

The specific role it's designed for is loss prevention.

It's fairly cheap, builds well with Terrifying crews, and is summonable, meaning it will work well with everyone but Kirai, because it isn't a spirit.

But she doesn't need loss prevention.

It's ability to cause some serious damage to models using Last Rites, or any consume-esque abilities on Corpse Counters is going to do a good job of keeping the things you want where you want them.

And the Spell does not actually perserve the Counters, it merely acts as a scary dissuasion to their removal.

The Poison is simply to augment damage, and honestly its melee attacks, even with Poison 2, are going to be ignored in most games its played.

It's tanky enough to survive being focused, but not for a prolongued period of time, meaning stupid use of the model will have players losing it often, though this is mitigated by Nicodem, who is far more reliable on the model being placed in dangerous positions to ensure that he will have safe access to the things he needs.

Additionally, this model will help to make Army of the Dead slightly more accessible.

The Paralyze is just an extra oompf to it's loss prevention.

- - -

Edited by Sandwich
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The theme and flavor are quite good, and I like the poem.

For Defile, I think you mean that models that move over the terrain receive a Poison Token, right? Not Poison 1, which is a buff.

For Vile Purpose, does the enemy model need to be within the aura, or the Corpse Counter?

Between Sick Pleasures and The Darkness Spreads, this model seems like it may be a little tough for a 5 cost. A Wp up-to-10 model that can paralyze on a Wp duel at 6" range as a (1) action is a better paralyzer than a 9-point specialist. This thing can, set up properly and with a few Rams in hand, paralyze 3 models of any power level every round. Is that what you're looking for?

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The theme and flavor are quite good, and I like the poem.

For Defile, I think you mean that models that move over the terrain receive a Poison Token, right? Not Poison 1, which is a buff.

For Vile Purpose, does the enemy model need to be within the aura, or the Corpse Counter?

Between Sick Pleasures and The Darkness Spreads, this model seems like it may be a little tough for a 5 cost. A Wp up-to-10 model that can paralyze on a Wp duel at 6" range as a (1) action is a better paralyzer than a 9-point specialist. This thing can, set up properly and with a few Rams in hand, paralyze 3 models of any power level every round. Is that what you're looking for?

1.) Yeah, I meant that.

I'm still stuck on the old wordings. :x

2.) The enemy model needs to be in the aura.

3.) cuddled the trigger to once per turn, reduced Wp to 4 and bonus to +3, also reduced the range of Defile Mind to 4".

Thanks for calling that crazy business out. :P

Gonna test out a couple games with a few of these models for a bit.

Edited by Sandwich
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