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Saffon Hill Gang.

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Strictly for my own amusement, I've begun to create some stats for the characters I created in a story I wrote which can be found here: Morning After.

Being relatively new to Malifaux, I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions as to appropriate costs in Soulstones for the models and also if any suits might be more appropriate for Triggers and spells. Also whether the CC costs for spells seem okay and any other comments.

The Saffron Hill Gang are youthful pickpockets and rascals who have their lair in the slums of Malifaux:

Old Joe (Master): the adult leader of the gang who rules them with a (literal) rod of iron (his 'bat') and keeps them sweet with a plentiful supply of gin.

Painted Jez: Old Joe's moll. She is somewhat more protective of her charges.

Gripper (Unique): Old Joe's faithful hound.

Artless (unique): a pickpocket

Stick (unique): a pickpocket

Ragamuffins: have only stones to break your bones, along with a few choice words.

Old Joe

Master, Unique, 0SS Cache

Wk/Cg 4/6 Ht 2 Wp 6 Ca 5 Df 5 Wd 10

Bat :melee Rg 2 Cb 6 Dg 2/4/5

Blunderbuss :ranged Rg 10 Cb 4 Dg 2/3:blast/6:blast

Companion (Gripper), Hard to Kill, Ruthless, Slow to Die, Use Soulstones

Cb (:rams) Brutal Bat:

Df (:masks) Better You than Me: Push a friendly model within 2" into base contact with this model. The Pushed model will suffer any damage from the Strike

(2) Flurry

(1)Hair o' the Dog A selected model within 2" may make a Healing Flip and receive Slow

(2) "Get Movin'!":(CC:12 :crows/Rst: -/Rg: 6" :aura) Push all friendly Ragamuffin within range up to 4"

(0) "Heel!": (CC: 10 :crows /Rst: - /Rg: 12") Push a friendly Gripper within range into base contact with this model.

(1) "Sic 'im!" (CC: 14 Tome /Rst: - /Rg: 6") A friendly Gripper within range may be Pushed up to 6" towards an enemy model and gains Terrifying -> 12 until the next Start Close Phase


Painted Jez Cost - 6SS


Wk/Cg 4/6 Ht 2 Wp 6 Ca 6 Df 4 Wd 6

Stiletto :melee Rg 1 Cb 5 Dg 1/2/4

Derringer :ranged Rg 6 Cb 5 Dg 1/2/4

Slow to Die

Cb (:rams) Critical Strike Stiletto:

(1) Nip o' Gin: May Make a Healing Flip and receive Slow

(0) Spit-Wipe: A Ragamuffin model in base contact becomes Harmless and is Pushed 4" away from this model

(1) Kiss it Better: A Ragamuffin in base contact may make a Healing Flip and is Pushed 4" directly away from this model

(1) Flash o' Ankle: (CC: 14 :masks /Rst: Wp /Rg: 12") Target must perform aWP -- WP Duel. If the Target model loses the Duel, the model is Pushed its Wk towards the caster and the controlling player must discard a Control Card

(1)Hell Hath No Fury (CC 14 :masks /Rst: - /Rg: C) This model receives Terrifying -> 12 and all Stiletto Strikes receive :+fate to attack Flips and Dg Flips

(1) Under My Skirts: (CC: 12 :masks /Rst: - /Rg: 4") Push a Ragamuffin within range into base contact with this model. The Pushed model may not be targeted by the enemy as long as it remains in base contact with this model


Gripper Cost - 6SS


Wk/Cg 6/10 Ht 1 Wp 6 Ca 4 Df 5 Wd 6

Bite :melee Rg 1 Cb 5 Dg 2/3/5

Companion (Old Joe), Ruthless

Cb (:tomes) Brutal Bite:

(2) Flurry

(1) The Howling: (CC: 12 :crows /Rst: Wp /Rg: 12") Target model losing the Duel receives Paralysed


Artless Cost - 5SS

Ragamuffin, Unique

Wk/Cg 4/- Ht 1 Wp 5 Ca 4 Df 6 Wd 5

Knuckleduster :melee Rg 1 Cb 4 Dg 1/2/3

Companion (Stick), Hard to Kill, Harmless, Nimble, Scout

Cb (:rams) Sucker Punch: When damaging defender with a Knuckleduster Strike, defender receives Paralysed

Df (:masks) "Scarper!": If damaged by a melee Strike, Push this model up to 4" away from the model that inflicted the damage.

(1) "Wasn't Me, Mister": Regain Harmless

(1) Nip o' Gin: May Make a Healing Flip and receive Slow

(2) Got to Pick a Pocket or Two: Target model within 2" performs aWP -- WP Duel. If the Target model loses the Duel, the controlling player must discard a Control Card.

(1) Leg It! (CC:12 :crows/Rst: -/Rg: C) Push this model up to 8" away from the nearest enemy model within LoS

(1) Butter Wouldn't Melt: (CC:12 :masks/Rst: -/Rg: C)Terrifying and Ruthless models must make the Wp -- 12 Duel to overcome the effects of Harmless if currently applying to this model. Other models receive a negative modifier to their Flip


Stick Cost - 4SS

Ragamuffin, Unique

Wk/Cg 4/- Ht 1 Wp 5 Ca 4 Df 6 Wd 5

Kitchen Knife :melee Rg 1 Cb 4 Dg 1/2/3

Companion (Artless), Hard to Kill, Harmless, Nimble, Scout

Df (:masks) "Scarper!": If damaged by a melee Strike, Push this model up to 4" away from the model that inflicted the damage.

(1) "Wasn't Me, Mister": Regain Harmless

(2) Got to Pick a Pocket or Two: Target model within 2" performs aWP -- WP Duel. If the Target model loses the Duel, the controlling player must discard a Control Card.

(0) Time to Twist (CC:10 :masks/Rst: -/Rg: C) Push this model up to 4"


'Sno Cost - 2SS

Companion (old Joe), Insignificant, Ragamuffin, Totem (Old Joe)

Wk/Cg 4/- Ht 1 Wp 4 Ca 3 Df 3 Wd 4

Slingshot :ranged Rg 8 Cb 3 Dg 1/2/3

Harmless, Nimble

Df (:masks) "Scarper!": If damaged by a melee Strike, Push this model up to 4" away from the model that inflicted the damage.

(1) "Wasn't Me, Mister": Regain Harmless

(1) Magical Extension (CC: */Rst: */Rg: *) This spell may be cast only once per activation. Cast one of Old Joe's Spells. During this casting the model may use a Soulstone to change its starting total


Ragamuffin Cost - 3SS


Wk/Cg 4/- Ht 1 Wp 4 Ca 3 Df 5 Wd 4

Slingshot :ranged Rg 8 Cb 4 Dg 1/2/3

Harmless, Nimble, Scout

Df (:masks) "Scarper!": If damaged by a melee Strike, Push this model up to 4" away from the model that inflicted the damage.

Cb(:rams) "Bullseye!": When damaging a defender with a Slingshot Strike, defender suffers +1 Dg and Slow

(1) "Wasn't Me, Mister": Regain Harmless

(2) Sticks 'n' Stones: May make 3 Slingshot Strikes at -1 to Cb. Each Strike may have a different Target

(1) Givin' Some Cheek (CC:10 :tomes/Rst: Wp/Rg: 12") Target failing the Resist Duel is Pushed up to their Wk towards this model

Edited by UberGruber
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I'm not very famililar with Malifaux, but he looks great. I really like the choice of abilities and actions.

I would say that the severe damage should probably be 3 for a sling shot (plus there's Bullseye), his cast seems maybe a little high (not sure) and naturally I don't yet understand why he's a Waif.

I would probably say he's between 3 and 4SS.

Hope that helps, but again, I'm no expert.

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Thanks. I was using Waif as a term like 'Woe' to define a group (because Old Joe will have a spell that affects his gang members, so they need a group name) but it strikes me that it's already in use. perhaps I'll use Ragamuffin instead...

And I adjusted the Severe Dg for Slingshot to 3, thanks.

I was aiming for about 3 SS, so I'll knock his casting to 3.

Edited by UberGruber
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Yeah changing the characteristic was a good idea, as Waif would mess with Leveticus.

Without playtesting this (which I'm almost tempted to do) I'd say it all looks fine. I'd cost Gripper at something like 6SS, Artless at 4-5SS and Stick at about 4SS.

Have you thought about adding a bar maid or someone, who can do the effect of Nip o' Gin for others? Possibly give her various other action/abilities to reach 6SS and give you the choice between greater support and another two ragamuffins. Also what about a Totem, say Runt of the Litter - the youngest and weakest kid that Old Joe gets to kick around and debuff the enemy through.

Just some thoughts, even if I no longer really play Malifaux (I belong to the Puppets).

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Good ideas.

As these are sort of Dickensian Oliver Twist 'reflections', I was looking at adding an equivalent for Charley Bates (the only other named child member of the gang as I recall) and Nancy, who I've been thinking of 'anit-names' for and I may have Charley as 'Sno (Charley - cocaine - snow - 'sno as is 'it's no fair') who could fill the roll of Runt and Nancy (who I'm still thinking up a suitably tenuous name for) as the support. though Old Joe does have 'Hair o' the Dog' that gives the Nip o' Gin effect to others.

I may actually go so far as to make up this gang from suitable models and play it myself, time and inclination permitting. But I'm very pleased you liked them. Thanks again.

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Those models (the Crooligans look hilarious, I think) would be good fits.

I've added painted Jez to be the anti-Nancy (Nancy probably derived from Agnes, a name associated with purity, and Jezebel, as you'll recall being somewhat harloty in her biblical portrayal). I'm not so happy with her at the moment but she did give me a chance to refernece Chucklemonkey's spit-hankies.

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