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My first two games with Kirai


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So... I see what the hype is about. :)

I was almost exclusively Nicodem for over a year. Since Adepticon I decided to try each of the rezzer masters.

I posted a bit ago about my feelings on McMourning(Awesome!) and Seamus(Avatar is so fun).

Late last week and over the weekend I finally put my first two games of Kirai in. One of the games actually had to be continued overnight as it was too late to finish and in the time that I slept, my Shikome actually got a slight cuddle. :)

When the game started, they could designate their prey upon being summoned and when I woke up the next morning, they could not. ;)

It did not make much difference to the outcome as I just used the (0) of the Shikome that was already in the game to effectively give "Prey" to any other Shikome that got summoned. (That following day, I went up to Games Plus and bought another Shikome and more Gaki because so many of them started coming out)

The second game, I just started with a Shikome and had it use the (0) on the summoned one turn 1.

Kirai feels like a whole different level from the other rezzers I have played. I know NOTHING about her and by the end of even the first game, I had self-taught myself so many little things about seishin placement and swirling spirits into combat, or out of combat, etc...

I had never before noticed the last part of "enslaved to kirai" that says that at the end of ANY models activation that a seishin can move into base contact with Kirai... No range limitiation...

So, anytime a model was in trouble, Kirai could swirl it out replacing with a seishin, heal it with her (0) heal, do whatever else, then have the seishin move back into base contact with her like it had never left.

Datsu-ba's weigh sins creating Gaki out of killed MODELS... Not living, not anything other than able to be hit by a WP spell and I get a Gaki?

Heck, Gaki with slow to die and graverobber + their (1) action to basically eat a corpse counter within 6 inches for a healing flip...

Lost love hiding anywhere on the board and sac'ing himself to save Kirai and turning her into a spirit... (And then she can heal herself with a (0) action (Not even have to cast?) )

And, while i know I glossed over the Shikome a bit... O... M... G...

When they have their prey selected, they are nuclear cruise missiles. The only thing I thought of as a weakness was them getting intercepted before reaching their target. If I understand it correctly, they basically would not be able to do anything other than try to disengage since they could not attack something that is not their prey.

My son got a shiny new Pale Rider Saturday and was all excited to try it out yesterday.

I had two shikome that targeted it as the prey... It died turn one... :)

(I am a bad dad)

I have to put away Kirai for playing against my son for a while. He is handicapped by the fact that he has played against Nicodem for a year, then the culture shock of Adepticon and people that actually play things other than Nicodem.

Kirai felt like child-abuse.

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One thing you do have to keep in mind. Seihisn go back base to base with Kirai, but it isn't a placement or a push, it's a move, so they have to disengage from melee ranges which makes it a lot harder for the little bastards to regroup.

Never noticed that before. Pretty big difference.

Edited by PierceSternum
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