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Do lilith and Collodi work well together??????


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just a thought do lilith and collodi work well together?? im thinking of an effigy list plus lilith and totem just to see how itd work but i dunno what strategies itd work for or if itd be a usable list, also wanted to hear peoples reccomendations on what effigys they think wud be best or what i could take out/ put in to make the list run smoother. cheers for any suggestions xD


Totem (not sure which, does arcane resevoir stack cos if so then i think id take primordial but if not then the cherub)

Collodi with his 8 marionettes

and now the main part which is which effigy's, i think i can afford 3 with a cache of 7. i quite like the Hodgepodge, the arcane and the mysterious but i thought id here other peoples opinions. cheers

I guess liliths place is to transpose $$$$$$$$ and generally protect the (in my opinion) squishy collodi bomb. the effigys are just cool imo

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I think you mean four Marionettes, for eight ss. They are Rare 4 I believe :-)

How many ss do you usually play? Collodi and full load of Marionettes is 16, 3 Effigies and a totem for Lilith would be another 14 so you are at 30 there. Lilith has a cache of 4 so if you are running a 35ss game that is either a wasted stone or you could take her Avatar. Alternately, swap one Effigy for a no-good dirty low-down Stitched-Together and you can take a full boat of 8ss.

I have not run Collodi or the Effigies, but this sounds like a very fun list! In particular I would like to try parking Stitched on an objective marker and using Collodi's (2) action to stuff it full of stones -- again don't know if that's as effective as I think but maybe so.

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I can the the totem transpositionig lilith and a doll to move lilith crazy fast then the doll that transpotioned uses puppet strings to pull back into Collodi. Lilith is already wicked fast I am not sure she needs more speed. That being said Collodi is really strong so any master can support him.

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