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Guild Peacekeeper


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I purchased the Hoffman box and a guild peacekeeper and I am super excited to get to play them. After i assembled and painted the box set I opened up the Peacekeeper and I have no clue how this thing is put together. Does anyone know of any videos that could help me or even a step by step on a blog?

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Hahahaha. The best way I found was to put the smoke stacks on the back and the weird gear leg holder on the bottom. From there it was a matter of working out which hand went to which arm (the triangles, though they didn't fit into one another, were fairly helpful in figuring out which hand might have gone places.) I would say find the gun/arm combo first, then work out the other three... using the box as reference. You saved the box right? I guess that could have been the first step; "Step one: Save the box."

I don't know of any blogs or videos and I really should have documented putting mine together. I know he's quite the beast (construct?) but he is well worth putting together... for Hoffman's sake.

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Heh, I had a similar moment with the Steamborg Executioner. At 9 pieces, it was the biggest/most complicated figure I've assembled yet, and when I got to the legs my reaction was "... waitwhat?"

Getting that thing standing was a definite challenge, and with a Peacekeeper of my own in the mail right now, I anticipate it involving similar shenanigans.

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If you have a picture of the model to work from (stat card will do) then it is just a process of elimination. Other than that I cannot remember have any issues working out which bit went where. The real issue with the PK is keeping them there (pinning, ftw)

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Pinning the Peacekeeper is a necessity. He literally won't stay together otherwise.

At 12 pieces, I think he was a little more daunting in theory than in practice. Most the problems I had with the Peacekeeper was the cast. I haven't ever seen another Peacekeeper in person, so I can't speak to the quality everyone else received, but mine was pretty terrible. Mold lines everywhere, pieces that don't really fit together (I mentioned the triangles for attaching the hands, no single piece fit into another piece), poor detail quality. Once I got the pieces all lined up I had to spend another few days sanding/filing/steel-wooling/hobby knifing details back in just to get him up to snuff. I hope for your sake that yours is even a tiny bit better.

To let everyone know, this is a one-off experience of poor quality for me with Wyrd. Everything else I have ever gotten from them was within an expected limit of quality, usually next to perfect... just the regular old clean up required.

Edit(add-in): And in the end I decided to go with a different set up of the arms than the picture anyway to get two sets of claws attacking on the model... you know, with paired claws and all...

Edited by Requirement
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I must say I have not been too disappointed by Wyrd models pertaining to mold lines and deformities. Sure there are always a few small things to tweak out, but those are usually dealt with switfly.

I did have a blister of Canine Remains, in which one dog was badly mutilated (unintenionally! xD) and the right hind leg was totally messed up and wouldn't fit into the hole for it properly. The other hind leg was deformed and basically looked like it was melted off between the paw and the knee caps.

In the end I just ordered another blister of dogs and will paint the peeing pug I have extra in pink for a friend.

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Like I said, I have been overall happy with Wyrd's stuff. That being said, most the constructs I have recieved make me want to pull my hair out... tiny pieces, poor casting, a million pieces. Granted, they are awesome models, so I can't complain too much...

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My peacekeeper had some big mould lines on but they were in places that were not too much of a problem to remove. I find it a lot harder to get rid of a mould line going through hair than on a massive construct like this. I agree with Requirement that the peacekeeper is far nastier to put together in theory than it is in practice. It is time consuming because of all the pinning (that reallyis a necessary step!) but it's not as difficult as it will first look. If you put the smoke stacks and leg joints (hips?) onto the body and the hands onto the arms (the hands all looked the same to me so I just chopped the triangles off, makes things much easier), then it's a piece of cake. There's quite a bit of fiddling to get it together but it's so worth it, the peacekeeper is amazing!

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