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Tale of two painters, LordZombie VS Ironskullbo

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Greeters everyone, LordZombie here. You might know me from my replies about Resurrectionist, mainly as this is my one and only faction some Outcast in there once and a while. So Malifaux is one of the few games I have played where I really enjoy painting the models. Maybe it is the models themselves, the low model count, or the fact I do not have to paint the same model 50 times. So a friend of mine and regular gamer in my gaming group, is really into painting also. So for the last couple weeks, him and I have been competing in how many models we can paint in a week. That brings us to the this thread. We decided that we might as well record it here for everyone to enjoy also. The rules are easy, we just paint up all the models we can between Sunday and Friday night. It is Sunday to Friday as we get together and game on Saturday. So sit back and enjoy. Now hopeful my opponent will post up his introduce next.

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Hello all!!!! i am ironskullbo. as lordzombie has already said we compete every week to paint the most models. we still dont have a victor as things tend to go back and forth every week. we also dont have a prize other than bragging rights. as for what evilbleacman has asked, i work prett close to full time at one job and part time at another. i also have a very demanding girlfriend and go to JKD classes 3 nites a week and sunday mornings. i dont get a whole lot of time to paint. definitely not as much as i would like, but i make the most of it. i am a huge supporter of the "3 foot rule". i just want my models to look good on the table, not win a contest. here is a sample of a vonschill gang i painted for my friend explorator, who is sadly too busy to paint his own stuff while working 80 hours a week. i will also take pics of what i have already painted last month to show you what level of painter i am(read average).

the freikorps with converted trapper.


heres what i will be working on this week. lillith proxy with a lelu and lillitu and 2 stitched together


we also need some people to motivate lordzombie to post pictures of his stuff. we both have a fast and to the point painting style and he is a little shy. encourage him please :)

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I'd be interested in knowing, if you guys are employed or students or whatever. Seeing as the amount of time you could potentially invest is majorly influenced by this. Not to mention family and relationship status. Haha.

I can sum that up pretty much in one word, nothing. I am currently unemployed after losing my job of 15 years, I have no family left in the area where I live, and the closest thing I have to a relationship is owning Skyrim. So, yes, Ironskullbo has a major handicap, but he is a fast painter than myself. In the time it takes for him to paint and base 5 miniatures, I have only painted 3 miniatures and they are not based yet. So there you go, as Ironskullbo said, it is all just for fun and bragging rights and for the entertainment of our fellow Malifauxian.

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I focus mainly on Resurrectionist. As of right now, I have the RedChapel gang, The Body Thieves, and the Undertaker's Lot done. I only have Molly and the rogue left in the Horrors box. After that, it is minion time. Once I paint at least one of every minion, I will move to a new faction.

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Total it took about 3 days. In fact, here is a picture of The Redchapel gang.


Here is Olivia, Cassie, Seamus, Madame Sybelle, and Fiona. I figure Malifaux has such character I should name all the models.


Here is Seamus and mini Seamus, or as he is know in our gaming group as "Wee Baby Seamus"

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well i have managed to get the stitched tother and the lelu proxy done. i tried a new effect on the lelu and im still undecided on how it looks. i also cant get him to take a decent picture so i will post up the best i have. bases are not finished and i have no clue how im going to paint the bases of my neverborn. if any one has any ideas please shoot thm my way. i already have arcanists on brown bases with clump foliage on them.

the stitched together


and the lelu



the second picture was when a cloud decided to show up spontaneously. i still think it shows the yellow in the cracks pretty well. i was going for a balrog kind of deal. i dont think i will do the same to the lellitu as she doesnt have a lot of skin showing and its quite messy to paint the skin that way. any comments or critiques are welcome.

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Yes, I too need to work a little on the lighting subject, but this is the best camera I own and that is as big as the pics get. Figured I would post up the rest of what I have already finished before the thread started.


Here is Nurse Green, Nurse White, McMourning, Sebastian, and Chomper


These are my Night Terrors and Canine remains. Both coming from..dare I say it, GW. The canine remains are just proxies until I get the real remains and the sorry to say this, but I am not a fan of the night terror models.


Here are some clix models that I cut off the base and made into Malifaux miniatures. There is the grave spirit (again, another Resurrectionist model I am not a fan of) Gina and Deborah, two extra rotten belles.


Last pic is of Miller, the only minion I have painted that is not in a box set. Enjoy

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Those are looking pretty awesome thus far! Though you will have to step it up, if you want to beat your friend. Haha. He's got 3 finished crews, lol.

Also, you could try using the yellow tone you have in the skin recesses as Lilitu's skin tone? :) Would be neat to see them together like that, in my opinion.

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Got a few more pictures to add to the thread. I should point out that all the pictures I have posted so far are of models I have already painted BEFORE we started this thread. The models I paint up during the week will posted later. With that said here is the rest of the crews.

DSC00023.jpg Here we have Yamada, Sid, Nicodem, Mortimer, and Axel.

DSC00027.jpg Here is the mindless zombies that follow Nicodem. Lucy, Nurse Z, Doc Z, and John Doe

DSC00028.jpg Last of the bunch is a treasure chest, Big Jim, and Xiufang. Xuifang will most likely end up a gunslinger for Kirai.

That is all the old stuff. From here on out, the new stuff starts to show up.

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nice going guys! keep up the good work. Nothing like a bit of friendly competition to get you going with the painting!


just an advice:

when photographing, try to place your minis on one side of a piece of white paper and bend the other side in the air (upwards - prop it on the other side with a box or wall or sth so the paper stays partly upright) - that way you'll have the white background on all of the picture and your models will show better...

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Can you guys go over where your proxies are from? I recognize Xiufang- she's the new Asian gangster moll from Reaper, but I am not sure about the rest.

Sure thing. Most of the ones pictured in Ironskullbo's are Confrontation models (another great skirmish game). They are pretty hard to find, but alot of them find Malifaux perfectly. For me, the grave spirit and Deborah are horrorclix models, Gina is a heroclix, all the mindless zombies are from Reaper's Chronoscope model line, and Big Jim is a Reaper mini. Reaper Chronoscope has a lot of really good minis that fit in with Malifaux.

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Ok, so it is Friday night and time to post up what I got done. A slow week, mainly as I am running out of minis to paint. I got a convicted gunsliger proxy done, Alice Rutger (the model I am using as my master in our Malifaux campaign), and 6 gremlins. Working on making a photo box so pictures will be posted a little later. So the total for the week is 8. Let's see what Ironskullbo got done.

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