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Crooked men, worth it?

Huang Da Wei

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Crooked men exist for blasts, having WP 7, and to force decisions. The mental effects of shafted markers are much larger than their actual effects. But that requires proper placement (I.E. they can't cap an objective, but placing one in a chokepoint can keep a big point model from advancing). The Crooked + Belle Combo is useless.

I've had some success with them vs Neverborn, but I can never find space in my crews for them. That said, the only thing really preventing them from shining, IMO, is that they are incredibly slow.

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Crooked men exist for blasts, having WP 7, and to force decisions. The mental effects of shafted markers are much larger than their actual effects.

But not against good players.

That said, the only thing really preventing them from shining, IMO, is that they are incredibly slow.

Like most Rezzers! Also their Df 4 Wd 7 with no HtW and their Ca 4 with a 13 cast spell.

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Good to see that even after a few months, the standard "if it's not one of my 5 favorite power models, it's an awful model and you should never bring it" argument from calmdown is still in effect.

I've found them to be good additions to my crews, even without trying for shafted a lot. Shafted is fun, the blasts are fun but what my opponents have really gotten to fear with them is the paralyzed trigger on the 2" reach weapon. For the price you pay, you do get a good toolbox to play with, especially on how it can mesh with the rest of your army.

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Good to see that even after a few months, the standard "if it's not one of my 5 favorite power models, it's an awful model and you should never bring it" argument from calmdown is still in effect.

Regardless of the replies I appreciate all input. naturally some people will be positive and some negative based on their experiences.

The good thing I like from this forum is there is not often a reply such as 'it is rubbish' there is always a because following.

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So far, my experience agrees with Tigerstyle and emissary: forget about Shafted and focus on using their melee attack to paralyze, using Cave In on occasion to throw blast markers at people. Not mega-awesome, but solid nonetheless, especially with Nicodem and Bolster. Having three in a package is overkill, gameplay-wise- I doubt I'd ever use more than 2 unless I was just goofing around.

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Useful for their blast attacks against Pandy and other masters who like to cluster their minions. With access to The Hanged, Belles and other minis that can move the opposing minis around its not hard to set Shafted up but definitely don't get carried away with it, bear it in mind for opportunism though... I like using Belles & Doug together, throwing a Shafted market in the path of a Lure victim is always good for a laugh and if you were going to Lure them anyway doesn't have a massive opportunity cost.

@ Calmdown: they're never going to shine mate, they're a 4SS Resser... They really only work when you look at how their abilities combine with other stuff in your list. That's pretty much the case with every model in the faction under 5SS cost. Look at them paired up with another model and they really start making sense.

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For me they have always been "meh" melee models that are decent with Nicodem BOLSTER but that occasionally provide very nice utility by helping protect "charge lanes" and objectives with Shafted markers.

I have had games where they never cast it and others where it has been VERY useful in key bottlenecks. The paralyze trigger has seldom been useful, BUT, the THREAT of the paralyze trigger has caused automatic cheats.

I have not had its blasts be useful, but I also do not run them every game and usually only with Nicodem.

Overall, when I have 4 points that is not absolutely spoken for by a specific other need, I like having one in my list. (But I do not often have 4 points lying around)

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