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Gretsters Viks


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Great minis, I like the cartoonish style on them! I like the second one the most (still new into Malifaux, haven´t learnt half of the names of the minis yet). the hair is my favourite spot on that mini. It´s nice to see that you have used the NMM theory onto TMM. If you want´s a comment about improvment try to smothen out the two colors on the sword. I would even add one darker metallic and one brighter just for bigger contrasts. ut again, nice painting, great freehand to. I like to see more from you.


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Nice ones! I like the female better, perhaps because there are no large surfaces like the coat on the male. I'd just add another highlight to those parts (coat) and a little highlight to the metal parts (just one streak on the gun barrel and on the edge of the sword) and it'd be perfect...

But they are great as is...

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