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Bad things happen....time to draw some new cards

Guild Flakes

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So first, a brief description of what happened. I am a fairly new player to Malifaux (2ish months? maybe a bit more) And at one point owned a guild crew of Lucius and Lady J. as well as a dreamer crew

Alas, they were stollen along with a bunch of other stuff in a bag. SO! I decided that the only real option was to simply move forward, however I am in no mood to rebuy and repaint the same crew (at least not just yet) I still want to play this game (it's my absolute favorite miniatures game of all the many I have tried)

So I have decided to get started on Leveticus. I bought the boxed set as well as a desolation engine. I have no real idea what to get for him apart from the general consensus I've gathered here beisides Ashes and Dust (which is an EXPENSIVE model)

The less undead models the better I suppose, simply out of taste (or distate).

I play against people who, as a group own what i believe might be every master and henchman for every faction.

TL;DR - What makes for an interesting if unorthodox Leveticus crew? I would like to bring stuff that throws other players for a bit of a spin ;)

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