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How to contribute?


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Name's Ty and I'm a gamer from the Great White North of Vancouver Island, Canada. If you haven't heard of the island, we have a hockey team, riots when that hockey team doesn't win the Cup, syrup, bacon, the bathtub capital of the world and one day, you'll probably hear about us on the news when our island sinks into the ocean.

Been lurking on these forums for about a year now and our local group (we don't actually have a FLGS, we just use one guy's attic) is up to about a dozen members. I love the community so far and the resources (Pull My Finger, Cheated Fates Radio, the Gamer's Lounge, etc.).

But I also have an issue. You see, I want to be part of the community, I want to be active but I have a huge handicap for that. I'm really, really terrible at painting so I cannot contribute much in that aspect of the hobby and I'm really, really terrible at the game itself, so I cannot contribute much on the other side of the hobby.

So, I'm at a loss. How does one contribute to the community (other than just asking a bazillion questions) if they have neither the artistic skill nor the tactical acumen to take part in conversations?

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Being in a similar situation, I took an easy route- I handle the Find a Player directory *wink*

My first question would be "where do you think your talents lie?"

You probably aren't as bad as you think in either case (I know I am certainly my own worst critic, and hopefully once I finally get pics of painted minis up that this remains true). My record is 2 wins, 2 draws, and I don't even remember how many losses.

Use the blog feature here to recap games and what you've learned. Somehow logging what I did makes it easier to look at my gameplay more objectively. I think the same will be true for painting and modeling. I'm hoping that mine will help new players realize that the game's worth sticking with even though it may be hard to get into at first.

Don't let the acidic tone of a few people here put you off- they are, as far as I can tell, a lot nicer than they may seem at first. Fortunately there is little to no drama rot here (unlike some other gaming boards, where it's less about the game and more about petty crap that has nothing to do with it), and the highly competitive players are eager to help.

The Writing Room has some pieces that I think are fluff-worthy, or at least pretty darn close. That might be worth a shot.

There's always the old standby- battle reports. Good reports with a decent log and series of pics are usually a fun read and often illustrate strategy in ways that a simple write-up can't. If you aren't sure about your own abilities, ask a couple of your fellow gamers if you can log their next game.

I understand the feeling of not having a lot to offer- we have some very talented folks on this board. I also feel that everyone can contribute something.

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Asking a bazillion questions is a perfectly viable contribution. If you think of a question, and you can't find the answer by searching the forums, chances are someone else has or will think of the same question. So asking it will get an answer out there, thus improving the hobby for all. Besides, the more you ask and learn, the more likely you will improve your own skills, thus allowing you to contribute to either painting or tactical discussions.

I noticed you left out converting. How are your skills there? Or basing. Or event organization. There are lots of things you can discuss. Don't just feel that because your skills are currently lacking that you can't contribute.

Oddly enough, giving praise to works shown is a very good contribution because it encourages people to keep striving. Asking them how they did something often encourages them even more.

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Dustcrusher: Oh, I certainly won't get discouraged, from the forums or the game. I just want to be part of the community as opposed to an observer. Sadly, my biggest strength is writing (narrative battle reports and the like) but I don't know how I would feel writing with other people's characters (i.e. the masters). But maybe I'll try that?

And I mean, I'm not actually terrible at the game (I win more than I lose, barely) but my painting is...well, it's just base and a wash. My group has many very talented painters (including one guy who I would put into a contest against anyone on the boards because he's amazing) so I just always compare to them and come out very, very lacking.

Bruglyother: I have no converting or basing skills to speak of. Honestly, the hobby aspect of Malifaux doesn't really appeal to me. I've never been a real "work-with-your-hands" kind of guy so painting, converting, etc. are things I do out of necessity, not pleasure.

So far, of my 81 posts, I'd say 60 of those have been questions or praise for other people's work so I'm doing that part just fine. I spent one night just browsing the miniature's showcase and complimenting people on their amazing work and asking how they achieved certain results.

P.S. Also, I'm very, very wordy, as you can see. Is that a strength in any way? ;)

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Well here is the thing. Playing skills and painting skills take time. My painting is pretty bad honestly especially when I rush(which is almost always). I am skilled enough in the game but hardly a super hardcore competitive player(Don't let the trash talking I do with some of the other players fool you, I am not that great).

So what I am saying is don't sell yourself short. If you are really looking for other ways to contribute to the community and the game here are some

1) Become a Henchman and run demos and events. You need two painted crews but no one said they have to be well painted(remember I got in and my painting is rubbish :) ) If you really don't want to paint you can get some table top quality painted models on ebay pretty inexpensive. Anyways my point is events help this game get seen out in the real worlds and that helps drive sales. And Sales gets money to make new stuff..yadda yadda yadda more cool stuff comes

2) Write some fan fiction. There is a whole forum devoted to it.

3) Build Terrain. Its a skill I am learning myself. Terrain painting is a lot easier(dry brushing and simple colors) and it can be very rewarding(just check out my twitter feed showing my Grave Yard board in progress).

4) Just hang out, post jokes and ask questions.

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I was going to look into becoming a Henchman but the big problem is that my small town doesn't have a local gaming store to either a) purchase Malifaux stuff or B) and this is the big one, demo games and host events. My entire local gaming group (40K, board games, Malifaux, etc.) plays in one friend's attic and he lives 20 minutes out of town. If we can find a way to overcome that rather large obstacle, I'll definitely apply as I have two painted crews (Lady J and Seamus to boot, whom I hear are good demo crews).

And I hope you're being humble about how good you are because I've heard Nix mention your year of the Guild/Ram on the Gamer's Lounge and I want you to show that Guild are awesome!

Maybe I'll try my hand at some fiction. Maybe some "original" character set in the Malifaux universe so I feel less like I'm sleeping with someone's wife and instead just taking beer from their fridge.

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Dustcrusher:Sadly, my biggest strength is writing (narrative battle reports and the like) but I don't know how I would feel writing with other people's characters (i.e. the masters). But maybe I'll try that?

Please do.

And I mean, I'm not actually terrible at the game (I win more than I lose, barely) but my painting is...well, it's just base and a wash. My group has many very talented painters (including one guy who I would put into a contest against anyone on the boards because he's amazing) so I just always compare to them and come out very, very lacking.

Seriously, in-character battle reports are a thing of beauty when done well. Even when they aren't that great, they are often still enjoyable to read.

You could pull an L5R and write fiction based on a campaign series- play a bunch of games, log the results, prose-ify it, profit (well, post and receive compliments, but you get the idea).

Also, you are better than I am at playing then :-P

I'd say go nuts with writing- just post a disclaimer about playing around with the setting if you're concerned. I've got a crazy idea of writing a couple of pieces focused on Taelor but I haven't been able to read the Book 1 fluff so my vision of her character is probably at least a little bit off...

In terms of application I believe one Henchman used to play out of a tavern and host events and demos there (I may be wrong) but you could promote the game anywhere.

Just had a horrible vision of Drunkenfaux- take a sip of beer when you cheat a card, drink a shot when you burn a Soulstone. I wonder if people do this already.

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Keep in mind, just because you are not "tops" at something, doesn't mean you can't put it out there for everyone anyway. I consider myself to be a poor writer. (Which is quite funny since I have an English Lit.Comp Degree). Yet, I still have a running blog on these forums. I do it to try to improve. I also started out not liking to do things with my hands, and painting was a chore. But, I tried different things just to get my stuff to look better/score better at events. Eventually, I found I liked what I was doing. I still don't think I'm top notch as I don't have the patience to put in the effort to really put my stuff over the top. So my concepts are often great, but execution is sometimes lacking. Just keep plugging away at it.

As for Drunkenfaux, take it a step further and make it a malifaux version of Beerhammer. If you set your empty drink on the table...Hey look, new terrain.

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I still don't think I'm top notch as I don't have the patience to put in the effort to really put my stuff over the top. So my concepts are often great, but execution is sometimes lacking.

QFT. That's why I prime, base, wash, done.

I figure I'll try my hand at some fiction perhaps (I have a degree in creative writing and I think I'm not terrible) and, if I get enough praise to inflate my ego, I'll keep doing it. I also want to do a narrative bat-rep. I did one for 40K once and it was a hoot (although a bit rambling at 12 or so pages).

Plus, if I find anyone from my local group on the forums, I'll give them bad advice on purpose ;)

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As for Drunkenfaux, take it a step further and make it a malifaux version of Beerhammer. If you set your empty drink on the table...Hey look, new terrain.

Or as one of our local 40k players puts it, "the only terrain limit...is your limit." :1_Happy_Puppet1:

Or maybe that should be :Paralyzed_Puppet: or even :1_Exhausted_Puppet:

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