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quick question about right between the eyes.



Ok, when I cast that it says +3 flip on the damage... does it lose flips if I barely beat the cast... or if say I was trying to hit seamus with his hard to wound 2... OR if I actually get the spell through after his defense flips, do I simply apply the effects of the spell without taking his stuff into account.

It may be a dumb question but I am just having one of those days.


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Ok, so... I don't want to sound as stupid as I obviously am... but...

I'm having a hard time finding the rule that actually says that Right between the eyes is effected by modifyers outside of what the spell states.

The spell is a Range 10... no gun, no melee symbol...

the rules I find on 50 say that if a spell has a gun a melee or a resist duel its an attack spell.

then the follow up rule says and to get this right I'll quote... "spells with a (claws) or (gun) in their Rg are melee and ranged attack spells respectively and follow the targeting rules for those types of attacks. Modifiers that affect melee or ranged attacks affect these spells as well."

I didn't see anything in there about spells without claws or guns having modifiers.

I know I missed something in the rules that makes your assessment right, I just need to know what it is. If someone can hit me with the rule that makes the right between the eyes be affected by duel modifiers I'd love to see it.


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The answer will be in the duel and damage section of the Rm. I don't have it with me but when your opponent resist the spell it use the normal modifier. So if the defender equal and have hard to wound 2, Normally you would be at -3 but because of your Right between the high you are at -1 because of the -2 for equalizing and the -2 for h2w.

Same thing that if you get a + in the duel you will get +3 just because you can't get to +4

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then the follow up rule says and to get this right I'll quote... "spells with a (claws) or (gun) in their Rg are melee and ranged attack spells respectively and follow the targeting rules for those types of attacks. Modifiers that affect melee or ranged attacks affect these spells as well."

I didn't see anything in there about spells without claws or guns having modifiers.

There are some modifiers that apply only if the attack is a melee or a ranged strike or its spell equivalent (i.e. with an icon). For example the negative modifier you have to beat when the opponent benefits from Hard or Soft cover or the Defensive Stance. I think these are the modifiers the rule you quote speaks about.

The basic modifiers to hit and to damage are part of the rules for duels and affect everything equally.

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