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Why am I so bad ?

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When I say bad I mean really bad, and when I say really bad I mean seriously unlucky.

It all started many years ago, warhammer fantasy when I spent obscene amounts of time painting a savage orc army and when they were ready off to battle we went. During the game I managed to charge with my boar boys, we worked it out that I needed to roll 32 'attack dice' so I did....... I rolled 31 1s, yes, thats 31/32 dice were 1s. I promptly shook my opponents hand and placed them back in the box and headed for home and my ebay account.

Then after some years moved into 40k, for some reason the Orcs called me again. This time I found that large groups of Nobz could steam in and roll huge amounts of dice. Only needed 3s but once again (and this is with different dice) managed to find the lowest 2 numbers on those square things. Plus there is always the fated phrase which I learnt well during my gaming days 'anything but a 1'.

Now, on to malifaux, this is my type of game, Beautiful models and NO dice. Yeah but there is a black joker and the little bugger flips over just when my opponent says 'you will be fine unless you flip the bla....'

So what is the problem? what did I do in a former life that has caused this? or as some have said, stick to painting cos thats something you are good at.

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My suggestion is to shoot in the head any opponent that says 'you will be fine unless you flip the bla....', after the first couple of opponents people will learn...

TBH I use it all the time against opponents.. "Go on do it, you only need to flip a 3", "What's the worse that can happen", 'you will be fine unless you flip the bla....'.... Never fails.

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How does the saying go? Luck is when Probability is taken personally.

I too struggle with dice at a level that seems way beyond random. So i tend to table shuffle my Malifaux decks regularly. If you think about the cheating mechanic you basically put a high card on top of a low card, etc. I like to make sure that any clumping goes away.

Keep at it! It really is random. :)

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I feel your pain. I've only been playing for a couple of months, but have lost several games due to a black joker flip at the absolute worst time. Such as needing to kill Ophelia to keep her from scoring 3 VP and she was down to 1 wound. All I had to do was hit her on my last AP with ANYTHING (because of course she would take at least 1 dg) - and on a + flip for damage the black joker comes up.

I routinely have my opponents (for both Malifaux and WFB) tell me that they have never seen as bad luck rolling / flipping as I have. The key is to just play for fun - it is only a game after all. As soon as I start caring if I win or lose the game becomes much less fun - if I just play to have a good time and roll with it, then it is much, much more enjoyable.

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Man, I've had a few matches against my wife the last few nights where the games bordered on spouse abuse if it weren't partly for the fact that, during her first two or three turns in every match, her Control Hand never exceeded a 7... and most were 4 or less. She burned through most of her Stones just keeping Lady Justice alive.

It was kind of hard to savor the fantastic victory when your wife gives you the sad face. Sigh.

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Now, on to malifaux, this is my type of game, Beautiful models and NO dice. Yeah but there is a black joker and the little bugger flips over just when my opponent says 'you will be fine unless you flip the bla....'

It happens like this EVERY time. I am known as the king of bad flips. The other day I couldn't get the Executioner to kill a Canine Remains.

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