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Need some proxys for custom crew.


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Hey everybody...i need some modles for a custome crew. This is what i need

-andy skyhawk, overalls with a bouble barrle shot gun and bowie knife

-bob green, old hillbilly type

-ethan skyhawk, stoner or smoker with a pipe or big blunt something like that

-brett sparks, big guy, fireman at least a big fire axe maybe a long coat

-i need two bloodhounds, a german shepard and a few othe dogs preferable hounds of any and all varietys

Thanks for any help anyone can offer

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Thank you sir. I just want people to talk back to me... Malifaux is the first war game ive ever played and i dont realy know much about other companies and games, so therefore i expect lots of verbal abuse

I haven't seen much verbal abuse around here. Frothers, on the other hand, is infamous for it. It is a great place to see new figures though and the membership includes some of the most informed people you'll find on the subject of miniatures.

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Does this mean I'm in the right place? I came here for an argument...

You're looking for Room 12A, just along the corridor.

Also, we're totally failing at answering skyhawk's question so far. Sorry! (We're pretty good about no verbal abuse around here. Derailed conversations, though, we're even better at that!)

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You're looking for Room 12A, just along the corridor.

Oh, thank you.

Also, we're totally failing at answering skyhawk's question so far. Sorry! (We're pretty good about no verbal abuse around here. Derailed conversations, though, we're even better at that!)

Indeed, we aren't much for being mean to people here, but when it comes to silly off-topic references we rule *da.bomb*

skyhawk, have you checked the Foundry yet? While not the end-all-be-all in terms of sculpt quality, the ranges they carry are huge. If nothing else, you'll be able to say "I want something like this model except more ____".

Also check out Hasslefree- I suspect some of their Zombie Survivors might fit the bill.

You could always browse frpgames.com. I never fail to find something interesting there. I don't go to Cool Mini or Not's site very often, but they are also a pretty huge repository.

Sorry I don't have more specifics for you, but hopefully you'll find something among all of that...

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Ahh finaly lol. I enjoy the lack of bash talking here I just know how a lot of gaming as a whole is (i used to play halo lol).

But thatnks for the replies malifaux is the first war game i have ever played and other than wyrd and wizards of the coat i dont know it. games, companies, forums im what you may call a noob to this world. but i know that this is my next life long hobby...beats the hell out of squash

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Typically this is a much friendlier hobby than online FPS. We all get the struggle to learn the hobby, we sympathize with the time it takes and ultimately we can't enjoy the gaming part unless we're good sports and accumulate a willing player base.

Most of that isn't true in the online FPS world. So i hope you can still have fun without getting trash talked by us. Though if you keep asking for it we're gunna start assuming you're a sadist.

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oh dont worry me and my buddies i play malifaux with deffinatly talk a lot of smack around the table but its all out of love...were a d and d gang that discovered malifaux and have only played 1 d and d session since lol, and as for fps...$$$$$$$$ that $$$$$$$$. I like painting too much now that ive done it

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