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Alternate Stat Cards, Updated


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Updated 4-24-12, Red Teddy AR typo (it said 8:rams, it now says 4:rams)


I updated the stat card set with the Rotten Belle errata and the Witchling Stalker fix.

I also added a new zip file by the name of "Errata". If you already have all of the existing files, just download this one file for any fixes as they are updated.


Here are the re-released files. They are designed to be playing card sized, taking up less table space than the stat cards that come with miniatures.

You can get the files here. You'll need a Gmail account to get the files, I believe. If you find any errors, please pm me asap so I can make corrections.

For each card there is a TIF file and a JPEG. I recommend printing the TIF file using a good laser printer, on very high quality paper. This is the best defense against smudgy text. If you have access to Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro/GIMP, you may want to adjust the brightness of the image to account for differences in printers. I personally use gamma correction, as I feel it retains colors better than brightness adjustments, and I find gamma settings between 1.6-1.8 are usually in the ballpark. Your mileage may vary.....

I also recommend getting a nice Fiskars paper cutter. You can find them for around twenty bucks in the scrapbooking area of your local craft store. You can make incredibly precise cuts using these cutters.

These are designed to be printed, cut, folded in half, and inserted into a clear card sleeve. I recommend Dragon Sleeves, as they are very high quality and you get a nice little storage box. :)

Here are some card examples:







Edited by Tauwolf
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Another small update. I just noticed there was a "No Master" added to Frog Legs. Just download the Errata file for the new card (as well as the new versions of Rotten Belle and Witchling Stalker).

And sorry this wasn't done sooner! I've been focusing on some non-gaming things the past couple of months.

By the way, the Pokey Vik file still does not have the small one-word change. The text formatting on that one particular card was kinda tricky - and unfortunately not saved - and I've been unable to recreate it for an update (yet). I'll let you know when I crack that puzzle haha.

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Right now at Artscow.com there is free shipping on playing cards. Which I THINK includes the multi-purpose cards. You can customize the front and back of each card with that. Free-shipping is a big deal, since they are made in Asia. I've used them before and really like the product.

So if anyone wanted to use this method with these files, it is really simple but a bit time consuming. You can share the completed card files with other people so they can make the deck too. I started doing it, but then decided that although the stat cards are too big, I'm not going to use them for anything else so might as well live with it.

If you do it I would suggest croping each of his images, save a file for each one, upload those, and drag them and size them there. If you use his image raw, you have to blow it up quite a bit as it autosizes to the image. Cropping and uploading you have to shrink it a bit, which is WAY better because the text will keep clear.

The code is : PLAYINGCRD

expires: 8/15/12

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