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War must Commence: The battle against Calmdown


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Hi all,

The background info: Calmdown and I have been very good friends for a long time, he was best man at my wedding for god sake so you could imagine the levels of competitiveness between us.

Now due to uni, traveling the globe and family gaming has not been high up on the list of things to do in the last few years so I am particularly rusty, gaming for me tends to be a quick hour on the computer when the family have gone to bed, but with the kids getting a little older and this being a skirmish game that shouldn't take up to much time I think its time to start the career up again which brings me to my next point.

The attack on Calmdown, over the years his man has repeatedly smashed me at every game we have ever had the pleasure of playing together and now I think his time is up. Obviously I'm new to the game with it being my first post and all so I am calling on all players of malifaux to help in my quest of domination.

I need suggestions on fractions to play, techniques and strategies. The best characters, their abilities and weaknesses and in which terrains do they benefit so I can put together a army that may finally help me succeed in my battles with Calmdown.

Let the posts roll in,

Thanks guys and girls

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hiya and welcome to the wyrd side of life.

I would try to offer my pearls of wisdom. But in truth as far as tactics and winning go...i suck! lol.

But theres plenty of info around about the various factions and playstyles. The 'malifaux matters' section is probably the best place for an overall run down.

Good luck and happy gaming

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Consensus wise, Neverborn are considered the top faction for tournies (with the Dreamer and Pandora leading the way), but Hamelin of the Outcasts (the second best tournie faction overall) is the most broken master right now. Of course, Calmdown knows how to handle them and new models/errata are coming out all the time, so... you could try hitting him over the head with a tack hammer.

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Play the Dreamer and try to read all the posts on these forums by this guy names Calmdown(you might be familiar with him). That might be your best bet

Although since he is playing Ressers now you might look at Guild(Your buddy is probably rolling his eyes at that suggestion). Lady Justice in particular might not be a bad idea. The ability to take away corpse counters hurts Res a lot.

You have an up hill battle anyway you look at it since Calmdown seems to be one of those rare Malifaux mentats.

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Probably not going to attend any tournaments just yet, more likely going to be a test buddy for calmdown but would like to give a run for his money. Need to hit him with a sledge hammer to put Calmdown of his stride, but will definetly give your suggestions some consideration. Just out of curiosity how often do Wyrd release new models if you know.

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