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New malifaux player showing crew.


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I recently started playing Malifaux, picking up Sonia Criid as my Mistress of choice.

I felt like showing the stuff i painted so far.

It keeps me motivated to keep on painting :P

My Witchlings:


Guild Austringer: (bird needs to be glued)


The Whole Crew:


Only 1 of the painted models has been based so far, the others will be getting their base pimped shortly.

tell me what you think

Edited by Requiem
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Thanks a lot.

I may indeed be a bit too harsh on myself :P

Now i just need to paint Sammael, my 2nd Austringer and Sonia's Totem...

And I'm already looking @ getting a second crew. :)

Im realy warming up for:

Hoffman (Robots R awesome, master model is ok)

Lilith (Love this model, cant seem to find a decent crew composition to start with)

Kirai (realy like the model except her scissors, most spirits are cool too)

Also Sonia's Avatar is super hot, bad pun intended.

Argh so many choices!

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Finished Mr. Hopkins today:



I've got my "playing crew" ready now. Its 35SS

Here's a group shot:


Now for the reinforcements I still have an unpainted Austringer and Purifying Flame lying around.

Since i have two Austringers already, I decided I'm going to pick up Lucius, who has a fond love for them I heard :D

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Never played that game but thanks ^^

The only thing i'm missing on him is the purple I have on all my other models,

but since he's hidden his shirt beneath his coat it's hard to make it look natural instead of me focing the purple on the model.

For some reason I've been feeling like painting yellow for days now. kinda awkward.

Might have to pick up a new crew soon...

Collodi would look good in yellows i think.

So much crews to choose so little time (and money :P)

I would appreciate if you could help me choose my next crew.

I just can't seem to make a choice!

Let me know wich of the following Masters you like best (and why if u feel like it)

1. Lucius

2. Hoffman

3. Kirai

4. Lilith

5. Collodi

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As one guy who's a total hardass on his own painting abilities to another, seriously, your paint jobs look great. ;) One of these days, I'll stop kicking myself around (I seriously hang out with too many professional artists) I should get a post up myself and show off what I've done with my crews. Just finished the Vikkies and friends, starting on Perdita, and I have Von Badass and Perdita to work on.

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