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Kirai and spirit sheath



I was playing Tina vs Kirai, I hit Kirai with a December's curse with a severe flip so double blast markers. when does kirai get to use spirit sheath to shuffle the damage to a seishin, and can she move the damage to a seishin that is going to die regardless. In this situation the entire group would die, but is kirai able to keep herself alive?

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Ooh, that's a tricky one. To my mind it would depend upon the order in which you allocated and worked out the damage.

I would think that if Kirai was the main target she would be dealt with first. In this case she would undoubtedly pass the wounds onto a Seishin, which would mean that when the blast damage was then being calculated the odds are that there would be fewer Seishin left and Kirai would have indeed survived the attack. She wouldn't survive a follow up attack though ;)

Just my perspective, I'm happy to be corrected if this is not right.

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It has been ruled previously, I don't have time to hunt for it right now, that all the damage is simultaneous. Therefore, if the main shot would kill kirai, and the blasts would kill off all of the seishin, then they all die. Basically, you can't push damage onto a dead model and they all take damge and die at the same time.

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Hmm, that's interesting. Without seeing the ruling that JayBarlekamp is talking about, I would have said that when Kirai applies "the effects of a successful attack against Kirai to this model instead of Kirai", that would include both the damage and the generation of blast markers. Thus one Seishin would take the Severe damage, but the blasts would inflict Moderate damage on Kirai and all the other Seishin.

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Hmm, that's interesting. Without seeing the ruling that JayBarlekamp is talking about, I would have said that when Kirai applies "the effects of a successful attack against Kirai to this model instead of Kirai", that would include both the damage and the generation of blast markers. Thus one Seishin would take the Severe damage, but the blasts would inflict Moderate damage on Kirai and all the other Seishin.

I think that right there is the way it is supposed to happen.. a successful attack means ALL the effects of the attack, triggers, blasts and not just the damage.

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Yes that is completely different. I don't play Kirai so I didn't know the working of the rule. Since it says to change the target then the original would have to hit a seishin. However, as far as the damage goes, if all the models would die from the attack/blasts, then you can't move the damage to a seishin. I don't remember where the thread is so hopefully a RM will let you know again.

Edited by JayBarlekamp
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Well there is this, if you scroll down a piece.

After careful reading I'm pretty sure you would not be able to move the splash damage from Kirai to the Seishin. However if it targets Kirai the splash damage is normally less than the initial damage. So instead of taking 5 damage and losing a Seishin, you would move the blast to target the Seishin, the Seishin would die, Kirai would take 3 splash instead of the initial 5 and would be able to pay 1 to get back the Seishin.

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