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Possibly trite Hamelin newbie thread


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Hi all! I've been lurking for a long time, but recently I have been looking more and more at my Malifaux minis and really want to go back through the Breach. I have a bunch of Guild, but I have a thing for disease-factions (Nurgle and the like springs to mind), so I want to return to Malifaux with Hamelin.

Now, I've read up on Hamelin on these forums, and on pullmyfinger, and it seems that the rat swarm that Hamelin immediately encourages one to field quickly gets boring for both ones opponent, and one self. But on the other hand, I'm getting into that whole thing for the disease, so I don't want to do away with the rats completely.

So it seems that Canine Remains is a good substitution for some of the rodents, and I built a 30SS list that appeals to me, but I'm unsure of whether it will work or will just tank...? I understand that Hamelin is not the most forgiving of masters for a (re-)starter, but I'm up for the challenge :)

If you would be so kind as to give me some hint, pointers, advice (or just your everliving scorn :P) on this, probably trite cookie-cutter, list! Thank you :)

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Hamelin the Plagued -- 5 Pool

Obedient Wretch [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Malifaux Rat [2ss]

Malifaux Rat [2ss]

Nix, the Bull Terrier [7ss]

Rat Catcher [5ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

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Looks like a pretty basic list there, its the core list of all hamelin players. If you like the disease idea you should look at his avatar its crazy good with blight tokens.

Uh, really? I haven't seen his avatar, other than on pullmyfinger, so that does sound promising :-)

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Yeah he deals the blight out, he summens rats by himself, his rats pass on blight tokens when killed. He gets alot of blight on models.

He himself can remove blight to heal himself, he has a large aoe spell that hits for 1wd for each blight witch adds up and since its wounds it goes through amor. He has an aoe obey spell that can hit models up to 10 inchs away as long as they have a blight token.

He is just crazy fun with blight tokens

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Really? Just so I understand this correctly; The Tots work well because it's really easy to mature them without any real downside since rats will just come back, right? But what makes Sorrows work? They do cause some wounds when enemy models fail wp duels, which is good for instance when someone fails against Ruffin or Harmless, but is that it?

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But what makes Sorrows work? They do cause some wounds when enemy models fail wp duels, which is good for instance when someone fails against Ruffin or Harmless, but is that it?

Useful but not where their main power is. Doldrums cast at a model which is in range of Nixs empiness is a guaranteed paralyzed - great to cuddle high point models (which Nix can kill the next turn if you want). Also, link a sorrow to Hamelin to move with him (you'll take a wound each turn but meh) to get the movement you need whilst keeping the 2AP free.

As with Hamelins entir crew, it takes some coordination and getting use to the order/interactions, but he's devastating once you do

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