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So, I'm running a mega battle at the end of the month. We're doing a large urban table king of the hill scenario- person with the most models at the highest point (a three floor mansion) gets the prize. From past experience, I know that people can get eliminated early on, and I want to keep that from happening, so I want to create a reserve system to help keep people in the game. The game will be 25 SS, with a 25 SS reserve. Non-unique models from the reserve can be brought back in so long as the player wants to keep playing. What I can't figure out is what to do with bringing those reserves on the board, whether I use a random system (ala 40k) or let people bring in x number of models a turn from turn 3 on. Thoughts? And yes, I know Collodi has the potential to make this broken, I've already got some house rules in place for doing board wide placing effects, lol.

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Hm... how about this:

At the beginning of each turn except the first, each player names up to 3 models. If the model is in play and undamaged, he gets +[the model's SS] points. If the model is killed or sacked, he gets -[the model's SS] points. If damaged but alive, nothing.

At the end of each round, you can use the pseudo-SS's to bring in models to your starting zone. For each model, you can spend +2 to have your master summon the model instead.

At the end of a round where a player is eliminated (or demoralized to the point of quitting), the player can come back as another crew with [starting SS number] -4 SS's per round number to a starting zone of your choice (with a different crew if you wish). So in a 25 SS game at the end of round three, a player can come back with 13 SS worth of a crew plus master (25 SS start-12 for three rounds into the game). To avoid confusion, you would keep the same strats and schemes (if you choose a master specific, you only keep that scheme if you retain the same master coming back in).

Needs some testing, but I think it might work.

This would make it so players may attack models they normally wouldn't (or kill those they normally wouldn't bother with), and mitigate the horde of reserves problem that I think you're trying to avoid with Collodi (though it will still help him like the other Masters).

For the elimination rules, that can lead to some interesting sneak attacks (I'm going to quit with Nicodem here and drop McM in behind you over here and wreck. Having fun yet?). Cheesy? Nah, I don't think so, because of the diminished SS value, though it would be a powerful tactic (negateable in a lot of cases though).

Edited by brdparker
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