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Addicted to crews


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Well, let me see, started playing Malifaux about 6months or so ago and it really got the club fired up... i say club there's 4 of us who regularly play

Even though i was the last one to buy in and get a crew i think I've now overtaken all the others

So... painting... I'm not much of a painter, preferring to game instead but I've started taking a small setup in to work with me and i paint in my lunch breaks and occasionally in the evenings

The result is that I've not started experimenting with blending and you won't be blown away by astonishing works of art, there's only going to be some pretty basic table top quality minis turning up on here but turn up they will (honest)

And on to some of the minis themselves...

Neverborn - fair few reps that are having actual minis bought up too, but i love the Hell Dorado sculpts and couldn't bear not to find a home for them in game

My Daemonic Twins - Lelu & Lilitu


Twisted Silurids


Stitched - love these sculpts


Rest of the Neverborn - mostly bare metal, few WiP

Pandora (going to be using puppet version as i don't like either normal sculpt), Zoraida, Voodoo Doll, Collodi, 4 Marionettes, 3 Wicked Dolls, 3 Sorrows, Candy & Kade






Von Schill himself isn't there as thanks to a mould line across his head he's now in desperate need of a hat or a full head swap... Also got Taelor, a Convict Gunslinger, 2 Ronin & a Desperate Merc to join them

Arcanists -


Ramos & Co to follow... Ramos is the mini that sold me on Malifaux along with Baby Kade and he's nearly finished and ready to photo... along with that i have 9 Spiders (6 in the process of being Magnetized), Rusty Alyce, a Soulstone Miner & a Large Arachnid

Also thanks to Rezzers, Neverborn and a friend getting 2 masters in his crew box i only need a couple more additions for a Marcus crew :)

Rezzers -

All pics to follow, but a McMourning crew, a Seamus crew and a Kirai crew so LOTS of minis

Guild -

Only Dead Justice and a couple of additions, still deciding on basing :)

Well, that's it for now... i'll try to regularly update this as i'm desperately trying to break the back of the mountain of bare metal and actually finish things, but with Christmas looming and a baby on the way shortly after i have a feeling my time will run out first



So with my Malifaux buys being forced into a standstill for a while (bought alot just before and after Christmas to round lists out) and actually, all my gaming purchases are coming to a standstill as there's a brand new Malifaux citizen expected at the end of next month :D

In view of the fact this list is unlikely to grow by much (except for replacing my Kirai crew) I figured i'd get a complete list up to tick stuff off as i complete it -

Unpainted Primed Work in Progress Completed

Guild -

Dead Justice


3x Death Marshalls


Witchling Stalker

2x Watchers

3x Autopsy Guild Guard

Drill Sergeant

Arcanists -

6 Magnetized Spiders

3 Individual Spiders

1 Spider Swarm


Avatar Ramos

Large Arachnid

Soulstone Miner

Rusty Alyce

Convict Gunslinger (posh)

Electrical Creation

Mobile Toolkit

Puppet Joss


3x Silurid



Mechanical Rider

Outlaws -

Von Schill

2x Freikorpsmen




2x Ronin

Convict Gunslinger (alt)


Desperate Merc (rough)

Rezzers -





Convict Gunslinger

2x Crooked Men

3x Rotten Belle 1x Rotten Belle

3x Necropunk

2x Night Terror 1x Night Terror

2x Hanged


2x Canine Remains

Desperate Merc

Flesh Construct

Rogue Necromancy



5x Seishin

2x Onryo

2x Gaki

Datsu Ba


Neverborn -


Old Avatar Pandora

Puppet Pandora


Dreamer & LCB



4x Marionette

6x Wicked Dolls

2x Stitched

Convict Gunslinger (puppet)

Baby Kade


3x Sorrows

Lelu +alt

Lilitu +alt

3x Silurid (alts) - WiP as they now need some repairs

Voodoo Doll

Primordial Magic


3x Daydreams


Nurse (listed in NB as she'll be based to match Zoraida)

Insidious Madness

3x Alps


Mature Nephilim

Bad Juju

2x Young Nephilim

3x Terror Tots

That's a depressing amount of black and red in there... and a shockingly long list really

Still... currently working on the Ronin, Large SPA mainly (not much as i'm painting some Retibution stuff too)... but hoping to finish them up shortly and then i'll likely start on something else... Lilith if my Microart bases arrive, Dead J if not and i can attempt to paint dead flesh

Edited by Stonedog-7
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Very true Dsmiles, i think most people are, it's just such a good system :)

I'll try to get some WiP stuff up in the next day or so and keep the first post for completed models... i mustn't let this die like i have when i've done this kind of thing before

And more minis have arrived... Ronin to go with my Freikorps, some puppets just because i love the little buggers and wanted to swap them in for the standard minis (Pandora, Joss & a Gunslinger) and a Doppelganger, something i've been putting off getting for a while :)

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Nice to see progress with the models, even if you have got a fair few crews. Hopefully i can get myself to a similar level of motivation, since i just got 2 crews and am planning on getting 2 more over the holidays. My wallet is going to hate me, hopefully i can prevent my conscience from doing the same by painting my purchases!

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Jasonfly - I'll admit the motivation is a little forced at times, but it's not like i don't enjoy painting either

Lovemachine - Yeah, i've lost track of how many times i've made that promise for every system i've played since i started gaming about 15years ago... and i'm almost at the point that i can field a fully painted force that i didn't receive fully painted :)

Still, minor update time -

WiP Ramos, Baby Kade & Candy



Ramos still needs some work on his coat to make the shading and highlighting stand out as it just plain doesn't at the moment

Kade is about finished, going to darken the knife handle but that's it

Candy just needs some highlighting on her hair if i feel up to it... and yes, there's a blue/yellow theme with my neverborn wherever i can fit it in, if nothing else they're all getting yellow eyes

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  • 4 weeks later...

(2) Summon Nearly Abandoned Thread -

So although being at work and having had some camera problems i don't have much of an update i figured i'd drag this thread back from the depths already

Christmas was alot more hectic than i'd expected, but it has bought me a slew of bare metal to get to work on... but, progress -

I've now based up and will be painting my Dead Justice crew in the near future - sewer bases, currently the box +2 watchers as Ryle & Witchlings are still being stripped down

Prepped and ready to undercoat a Lilith box set the moment the resin bases i've ordered come through

Received pretty much all of the other Neverborn that i want including enough to run a Dreamner crew... just got todecide on the basing for it and make up more "creepy forest" for the stuff i'll be adding specifically to the Pandora and Zoraida themes

Still yet to decide how to base my Collodi stuff... just no idea on that one

Decided to re-base my Rezzers from the mechanica style bases they're on currently to ruined city/sewer types to tie in the Dead J setup with them

My 2 Ronin & stand-in desperate merc for my freikorps are about half complete while the stand-in Convict Gunslinger is complete

Finished up Zoraida, Ramos, Candy & Kade... pics will be up here & in the "Tale of" thread as soon as my camera starts behaving again

So yeah... been a busy one :D

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Right, camera is behaving again so time to treat those who are reading to some pics

Dead J crew based - Definitely need to carve up the watchers wings a little to make them look damaged... bases are a couple of sewer base inserts from Wyrd and some of the awesome sewer bases from Dark Templar's Malcontent range



Completed Crooked Men - bases aren't tidied up, as i mentioned last post i'm going to be re-basing my rezzers soon so just left them as is


Ramos & Zoraida - an odd couple :happypuppet1 but hey, they're finished


And the GW scummer that's going in to my Freikorps crew as a convict gunslinger... always loved this model so glad to have a good reason to paint it up and use it



And WiP's

Ronin - slow going thanks to Christmas, but here's the progress


Large Arachnid - again it's taken longer than expected, but it should be complete soon


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