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Dead Justice Basing


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So i'm finally going to tackle basing & painting my Dead Justice set and the extras i've been building up (2 Witchlings, 3 Guild Guard Autopsies & Ryle so far... Guardian & Drill Sergeant to follow) and i've hit something of a brick wall so i figured it's time to ask the community

I've already decided to get a pack of Wyrd coffins so the "overkill" Death Marshall can have one and might have Dead J herself stood on one just to make her a little bigger but i just can't decide what bases to go for... my main choices are

Micro Art Old Factory - properly wrecked landscape, works well with the "building fell on me" fluff


Micro Art Temple - solid, simple


Micro Art Skulls - not had a chance to use skull bases, they fit the look but don't blend in


Fenris Cthulu Graveyard - nice graveyard bases and cheaper than microart


What do people reckon? Any other choices to be recommended for someone in the UK?

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I was going to use the Wyrd Graveyard bases but decided I really want to use those for my Lilith crew (and Neverborn stuff.) So I decided to go with the Wyrd's Victorian Streets (second favorite after the Graveyard ones.) I'm also working on some Guild additions to the Dead Lady J, but I decided the project was going to be Totally Wyrd (using only Wyrd models and parts [ and GS] for all the conversions.) Hopefully I can finish the last few details tonight and get them primered this weekend.

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I thought they were the Fenris Post Apocalypse ones i saw Lord Shaper... they do look fantastic on your crew, just want something a little different :)

Diehard, the wyrd bases are nice, but i find them a bit too expensive and after seeing a normal J crew on the graveyards they seemed a little cluttered

Aka Hazard, yep, have used the egyptian ruins on my Skorne, do like Fenris' bases and the price is excellent and as you say, they don't overshadow the minis

Daemonkin, oddly enough someone at the local club has a set of the dock bases from Kerr & King now that i didn't realise before, they seem even better up close so going to go and have another look at those and their other styles

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I almost always use Micro Arts now. I'd use the ruined factory for Dead J and crew (I used them for some of Levi's crew, my Freikorps, Miss Demeanor, and my Gunsmiths).

I put my Lady J crew (well, J, the Judge, and her totem, at any rate) on Wyrd Graveyard bases, and you're right they are cluttered.

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I have used fenris bases for all my crews except my guild (who are on Wyrd sewer bases). Used the graveyard and woodland path ones.

My only mild comment is that they do 30 and 40 mm graveyard bases but not a 50mm one. And with the woodland ones they only do 30mm.

That said they sell a pack of little individual gravestones which helps keep bigger based models consistent.

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Nice, those Malcontent sewer bases are excellent... shame he hasn't got to 40mm ones yet, though as i've only got to fit Ryle & a Guardian on mediums i can always mount the 30mm bases like raised inserts

TattyTed, yeah i have noticed that with Fenris, some of the ranges are missing some sizes... luckily i'm not planning on a Peacekeeper and only need 2 40mm's as i'm not taking the crew to particularly large numbers

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