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Molly is Summoning...Sybelle?

Da Big Baws

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What list make ups are you running sandwich? I love Molly and Seamus, and I keep trying to make a Molly Seamus list work, but I never seem to get it to gel for me. I will say that my regular opponent also plays ressers so we sort of have a non-proliferation treaty and neither of us plays Kirai against the other. So our normal games tend to be The Doctor vs. Seamus/Molly and I've lost the last I don't know how many games vs him. What stuff do you generally bring?

Oh dealing with the Good Doctor shouldn't be too bad.

Your three big concerns are probably

1.) His large Soul Stone Cache means he can shrug off a lot of the punishment you throw at him.

2.) His Frankies are Immune to Influence and tankier than your Belles.

3.) His crew dishes out some pretty serious damage, especially because the Doctor ignores Hard to Wound and Armor, meaning your Belles are pretty much cannon fodder.

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My guess is that your opponent knows your list well and probably brings Night Terrors for objectives and he'll probably summon Autopsies to counter your annoying-as-f*ck belles.

Because that's my biggest fear versus McMourning, at least.

So you need to abuse what your assets, and that's Molly.

She's going to be tankier than Frankies, because of Pitiful(And (0)Uncontrolled Crying), can lay down some backup WP duels via her (1)Terrible Secrets and (1)The Shocking Truth, (Especially versus McMourning himself, remember, he's living, so Terrifying and (0)Trail of Fear DO affect him. At a Wp of 6 versus Molly's Ca of 7, he's going to have to burn soulstones to avoid a lot of misery.) And she's going to be able to augment your strongly countered survivability via (0)Impossible Knowledge.

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You would probably benefit from a smaller crew of harder hitting models, because this is a Resser versus Resser match, you'll be able to summon a ton Belles into the game.

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So McMourning's strength lies heavily in the Offensive, but his personal defensive capabilities are very lackluster.

Your best bet is to bring Molly, the Convict, maybe a hanged, and a handful of Belles.

(Or honestly, just bring Lazarus, if you can proxy.)

Seamus has got to get off his Trail of Fear a lot, it doesn't affect anyone but McMourning, but that's the man you wanna bring down.

As soon as you cuddle the Good Doctor's Wp, you're gonna wanna blast him straight away with Molly's (1)Terrible Secret, he shouldn't be able to resist. (I can't remember if he's Wp 6 or 5.) Either way, if you've got decent cards, Molly's high Ca should get him low enough to give him a bad day.

The handful of Belles should lure him right into a sweetspot, where you can pop Molly's spells and then follow up with the Convict.

I can't necessarily help you by Theoryfaux, because that never works but

A few pointers

1.) He's living with garbage Wp, you've got 2(Or 3, if you bring the CCK) Terrifying->14 duels. If you summon a Dead Doxy, you'll have him at -2 Wp from Trail of Fear and hopefully :-fate:-fate on the resist duel for all three. If you're bring Avatars, he shouldn't be able to bring McMourning into the fray without getting annhilated (Seamus' Bludgeoning Fist ignores armor, so Living Wall does nothing to save him from the beatdown of a lifetime.)

2.) Once again, his low Wp is the lynchpin of his crew. He has brutal offense, but Molly can give him :-fate:-fate on his Attack flips. That essentially ruins him for a turn. If you can keep dropping him, there's nothing he can do.

3.) He's quick, but you're quicker. If the murder train gets going, consider bringing in some Crooligans. If your opponent is using the Autopsy gun wall, Crooligans can stop it dead in its tracks.

4.) You're going to need to play defensively at first, but strike HARD at your first opportunity. McMourning is the best Resser master for quick recoveries, he cannot have the opportunity.

5.) By using Lure on McMourning, you can reduce his BPC factory of dogs early on, especially with the +4 Wk Belles get out the gate from Belles of the Ball and Extraordinary Dead. It's entirely feasible to have 2-3 Belles chain activate, Take 1 walk, and lure him once. This will put distance between him and his dogs.

6.) A common problem I see people do versus McMourning is to let him build up. He's relatively powerless until the second or third turn, if you can throw a wrench in his machine early, it'll cripple him for the entire game. So don't waste any time getting out there.

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If you want, give me his general list and we can talk through counters to each model he's bringing.

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