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A Day of Work: McMourning and Co.


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Got the remainder of my McMourning stuff in the mail this morning, and with some time to kill, i decided to bang out my entire crew in one day. Started around 8am, this morning and just sealed the last model a few minutes ago. the results:





my entire crew, minus a single Belle that I have loaned to another player. generally i speed paint, so ive done crews this fast before, it has been a while though. a nice stopgap between two rather large PP projects and a commission here and there.

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Excellent work mate, It always makes me a bit sad when people say they don't have enough time to paint so it's great to see someone put togeather an ace looking crew in such a little amount of time.

Any chance you could do a write up some time as to how you achieved your look so quickly or any shortcut recommendations for people looking to paint "efficiently" ?

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