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[Insert Witty Name] Malifaux Tourny @ Imperial Outpost Games 11/13/2011


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WHERE: Imperial Outpost Games

4920 W. thunderbird Rd #121

Glendale, AZ 85306

(602) 978-0467

WHEN: Sunday, November 13th 2011 at 12pm. *(See A Below)*

HOW: 5$ Entry Fee and Prizes will be given based on attendance. *(See 1 Below)*

This is going to be a fixed faction escalation tournament (25/30/35 Soulstone rounds) using the Official Gaining Ground Tournament Rules provided by Wyrd with some exceptions:

- If you don't yet have v2 stat cards for your crews that okay, just make sure you bring a printed copy of your crews v2 stat cards.

- I don't expect everyone to have Fully painted crews, but I do expect you to at least have all your models based for the tournament.

- Models whose stats have been released are available for play given you supply an accurate proxy of the model (This means no Blank bases). All proxies must also be a valid representation of the model and given the okay by the TO.

Scoring for this event will be based on the Domination Format Tournament rules (See Gaining Ground Document for more information).

Schemes will be unique during this tournament meaning that each player can only choose each scheme once throughout the duration of the Tournament.

Strategies will be choosen by the TO (Which is Me!) and will be a surprise to everyone! Yay Surprises!

Side Point A:

Sorry that this is not the normal time the tournaments usually are, but November is a busy month at IO plus Thanksgiving makes everything weird. I plan on getting back into a rotation of having the Tournament on the 3rd Saturday of every month (No more 2nd to last saturday) as soon as possible. I will have more information on that at a later time.

Side Point 1:

I know there has been interest in a painting contest to go along with these tournaments. I want you guys to know that I hear you and am planning on starting to include Painting Contests with the tournaments I just have to iron out how it's going to run as well as figure out a way to get prizes for them.

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Sounds awesome. I will be there sir!

Hmmm von schill, guild, rats or ramos... or undead... what to bring what to bring.

Hmmmm... von schill is my fav, rats are cool but new for me, guild just rock and ramos and nicdems summing stuff is sweet....... hmmm I will really have to think on this.

Bring out the dice of decision making!

Hmm rolled a 4, wonder what that means

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Sounds awesome. I will be there sir!

Hmmm von schill, guild, rats or ramos... or undead... what to bring what to bring.

Hmmmm... von schill is my fav, rats are cool but new for me, guild just rock and ramos and nicdems summing stuff is sweet....... hmmm I will really have to think on this.

Bring out the dice of decision making!

Hmm rolled a 4, wonder what that means

it means, run Ramos, with Von Schill, Hamelin (the non-master) and rats...

Sunday's alot easier to do than saturdays for me... so I expect I'll be able to make it... (will attempt to do all grading friday/saturday)

will there be any special events?

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it means, run Ramos, with Von Schill, Hamelin (the non-master) and rats...

Sunday's alot easier to do than saturdays for me... so I expect I'll be able to make it... (will attempt to do all grading friday/saturday)

will there be any special events?

Special Events are a Negative. I hate them, you hate them, we all hate them together. Plus, most of the time forget about them anyway so it just makes it easier this way :D.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Special Events are a Negative. I hate them, you hate them, we all hate them together. Plus, most of the time forget about them anyway so it just makes it easier this way :D.

Lies, I saw you with a special event just last night and it didn't look like you were hating it, you were making sweet sweet candy with it... wait what are we talking about?


I do like special events when there fixed effecting all tables and have something to do with a story line (if there is any) it adds flavor. I do not like them when there random it can give one table an easyer game then another awarding them more vps in the game since they had better odds. If each game had the same event then the playing fields are even.

It also depends on the type of armies some events give a hudge advantage to some lists so you must weed those out.


Hmmm still thinking on what to bring.... I do have a dead rider that needx painting....

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