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Stiched Together and Paralysed




Interesting combination came up in a game yesterday.

I managed to paralyse a Stiched Together before it activated. I then preceded to kill it triggering It does not die.

My Opponent then forfited his activation of it, removing the Paralysed.

He then proceded to kill it again, triggering does not die and granting it re-activate.

The wording of Does not die states that if this model has already activated it gains Re-activate.

Does Forfiting an activation to remove Paralysed count as activating for the purpose of does not die?

Ratty and Kelthos' Sig here for the rules


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It only gives reactivate if the Stiched has already activated.

whoops. you're right. my mistake. scratch that

was remembering the "Does Not Die" always triggers, but doesn't mean it always gives Reactivate.

now, if they can somehow toggle reactivate before getting to the model's action, then they can get up and running again...

Edited by Mr_Smigs
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