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Handy-capable Hoffman!


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I've been slowly shifting my malifaux collection focus to center around the Guild faction. For some reason my collection had grown to include all the current Guild models except for Hoffman.

I had convinced myself that I did not like Hoffman for some reason or another. Long story short, I realized that it was really just the static nature of the models that was deterring me from playing him (nothing against wyrd, I absolutely love 99% of the models, this was just "one of those models.")

Well, I ended up picking up Hoffman after taking 2nd in a tourney this past weekend and set to conducting a minor conversion in an attempt to overcome my negative view on Hoffman's model.

I came to the conclusion that it was the mechanical backpack extension bits that were causing my issues. It just seemed like the gear was an afterthought and not really a solution to the poor mans disability.

A bit of cutting, bending, and the addition of plastic rods and paperclips later, you can see my new and improved Hoffman. Simple, but I think rather effective. A few 1/8" extensions really reiterate the fact that his upgrades are doing the "heavy lifting" for him. Now if only my base inserts would get here from NZ!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments! My original thought was to go way over the top and match the fluff by converting a hunter to stand upright and then attach Hoff at the hip. Sadly(or luckily!), I did not have a spare hunter on hand to attempt the conversion. The logistics of fitting the two on a 30mm base alone would have driven me insane, haha. I'm rather happy at how this alternative came out.

I've been waiting nearly 3 weeks for my base inserts to arrive in the mail, but couldn't hold off painting this guys any longer. hopefully that means the mail gods will smile upon me and deliver he package tomorrow!

Enough rambling, here he is in all his 'assisted' glory!


And Hoffman along with his trusty Hunter (though sadly not attached at the hip!).


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