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Nov NBR: The Highest Authority Versus The Red Chapel Gang


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Bete Noir

Dead Doxy

Punk Zombie

Copy Cat killer

1 Rotten Bell

Madame Syblle

Crooked Man

:-fateStrategy- Contain Power (black joker draw. Sorry sir)

Strategy- Bodyguard


Lucius Matheson

Guard Captain


3 Guild Guards



Drill Sergeant

Strategy- Turf War

Scheme- Breakthrough

(As a note, this is the first time my friend played Ressers and the first time I’ve faced them)

Turn One and Two

“KILL!” The demand is one of ruined flesh and clicking cog. The wall of the old factory is battered down by the hydraulic claw of Ryle. His scope like eyes scan the dark till they find the shambling silhouettes he’s been searching for. His arm cannon raises and bullets light up the shadows.

“I love listenin’ to that boy have his fun!” Creedy giggles his sick high pitched child like laugh. The Guild Captain watches through the window of the facility ruin as Ryle’s shape skulks about. The only sound is his cannon churning up metal and meat. The anguished moan of the dead lacks some of the enthusiasm of Arcanists under fire.

One of the rotten women is wracked with bullets but still she carries on. Something else, impish and tiny, is splattered by the gunfire.

“Mr. Ukridge, harass our enemy if you please.” The calm whisper comes from the blackness of the ruin. The Governor’s Secretary Lucius Matheson, his request heard by the pal ghoulish Austringer who looses his raptor through the halls of the old factory and into the grounds outside. The bird rakes and claws at the dead while the Guild Guards advance.

Lucius is about to continue his commands when a noise silences him. It’s a crack like thunder from the debris strewn fields outside. Suddenly Ryle’s gun goes silent. Lord Matheson sees something skulking in the dark, a shape with a smoking pistol that whistles a joyous tune as it recedes back into the dark.

“Be very cautious gentlemen, and lady” He nods to the one female guardsmen Isabella Flood. “The Red Chapel murderer is among us.”

Something leers through the window at the Secretary and his men, a howling rage filled monster who’s neck is crooked and limp and body tenderized by its death wounds. It’s hands grip the walls sending a quiver through the metal. The building screams and the ceiling falls. Lucius is among those caught by the fall. He breaks one of his soul stones to ward off the majority of the mass crashing down on him.

Turn Three and Four

“Fire you worthless dogs! FIRE!” Drill Sergeant Jasper Bilsen stalks around behind the Guild Guards as they fire shot after shot down the narrow hallway of the factory. The dead are forcing their way in, alluring at a thankful distance, these rotted women moan and scream as bullets pierce them but they march on into the fire with no concern.

Andrew Teale takes careful aim with his unnatural eyes, almost as dead as those of the Ressurections, and fires. His final round shatters the skull of the bald corpse carrying the riding crop, dropping the rotted meat to the factory floor.

“H’llo poppet!” The hallway rocks with the sound of thunder. Officer Isabella Floor drops to the floor unmoving. Half hidden behind a wall, the murderer’s round impacts it and shears through. Debris and splintered wood fly in every direction. He grimaces in fake concern for the wound he caused.

“Mr. Creedy…” Lucius points toward the man in the top hat “Your officers are faltering.”

The Captain watches a spray of blood bath the walls as Teale is knocked off his feet by another blast of the hand cannon. Lucius can see into mad eyes of the hatter. He knows one thing with certainty, that Seamus is aiming to slice and shoot his way through the Elite Division to reach him.

Creedy points his mauser at Seamus, Ukridge casts his raptor out toward him as well. The last standing Guardsmen, Porter Craven loads his peacebringer and fires. It’s Craven who lands the final blow, the bullet catching the psychopath in the chest. He stumbles a few feet before falling into one of the many crevasses in the factory. Lucius hears the satisfying splash of a body hitting stagnant water.

Ukridge calls his bird back but the creature screeches and veers away from its master. A living shadow rises up from the floor, a vaporous woman with blood slicked knives and a cloud of raven hair that boils in an unnatural breeze kept all to her. Ukridge has heard the back ally tales of this specter, this Bete Noir. She haunts Malifaux and now she’s come for him.

Her blades flick in the dark torturing his flesh.

But there is another creature, another awful nightmare that glides over the floor in spasmatic jerking fashion. Lucius’ Solicitor, Luthor Stannish. “Objection!” His wobbling otherworldly echo seeps out the shadows. The Specter is paralyzed in place by his decree. The two things of darkness bash and beat against each other. One, a creature of strict order and obedience, the other a dynamic fluid evil that fights to be contained.

Turn Five and Six

Regardless the result it doesn’t affect the Secretary’s plans all that much. He waits for the action to quell and when he sees the specter loose herself from Stannish’s bonds he gives the signal. Hidden Snipers strike her down from their hidden perches. The nightmare bleeds its ether into the night before seeping into the floorboards and back into Malifaux’s decrepit soul.

Porter fends off the relentless advances of the Crooked Man, his blade clashing against the filth encrusted mining tools. They strike at each other through the window of the factory ruin. Porter can’t really remember if he’s trying to get out the window or keep the creature from coming in. Their battle is so protracted and vicious that the purpose of iit has been pushed to the back of his mind. It’s about survival now.

“Mr. Secretary, “ Creedy says while thrusting his axe through the window. “The dead are getting thin in number. I think we just about cleared the site sir.”

Lucius brushes some of the dust off his jacket from the earlier cave in. Rancid fluid leaks out the eye slits of his mask. Few of his Elite Division agents are capable of anything other than bleeding out. “Congradulations Mr. Creedy, we’ve claimed a derelict factory from the dead and all it cost us was the health of half my special agents. Get this place back in order. Make this headache worth the effort.”

“aye aye sir” The ponderous pig of a man begins barking orders to Porter Craven and to the injured officers scraping along the floor.


Red Chapel Gang

0VP earned

Elite Division

2VP earned

Elite Division Victory


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