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An Avocational Endeavor: My WIP


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Greetings, everyone.

The purpose of this thread will be to track my progress in collecting and painting various crews, counters, and terrain for Malifaux. I hope that over time it will become a nice showcase of my work, and perhaps provide some inspiration for others.

My Lady Justice/Death Marshals crew arrived in the mail yesterday and I quickly began to prepare them for their first adventures. They all assembled without difficulty, with the exception of the Death Marshal who is crouching on top of his coffin. His arm did not seem to fit very well, but I was able to file it down to fit the pose.

At this point I have them all assembled and have put sand/ballast and crumbled cork rocks on all of their bases. In the morning, they will all receive a coat of primer, and I will probably work on getting their bases painted before I take them up to the games store for a trial run.

I apologize that there were no pictures in this first post, but bare metal and sand does not make for a very interesting shot.

Wish me luck!

Edited by Pistorius
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