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Spirit and Armor



A situation occured during a recent game I witnessed and I was curious the answer.

If a Spirit recieves Armor#, how is damage determined? Do you first half the number of wounds the model would take and then reduce it by armor, or would you reduce it with armor and then take half damage (given the source is non-magical)?

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7 answers to this question

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Spirit comes first, then armour etc. For example:

Hans shoots Snowstorm. He manages to pull off critical strike with 2 Rams, giving him severe damage of 7.

Snowstorm then resolves damage. First, Spirit reduces the damage by half to 4. Buletproof 3 then reduces this to 1 damage.

Snowstorm thus takes 1 wound.

Effectively, you work through a logic train:

is the weapon magical?

does the target have spirit ? If yes, reduce damage by half, rounding up. ignore this if weapon is magical.

Does the target have armour that is effective against this attack? if yes, reduce damage by armour number.

Convert Damage remaining to Wounds.

Does target have Object? if yes, reduce wounds by Object number

Apply remaining wounds to target model.

Edited by Tograth
because i cant bloody spell.
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