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Marcus vs Sonnia. Things Blow Up

Fading Memory

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This Battle Report is a quick overview of the key events of the game because I had no intention of keeping notes for a more well written report. My friend and I both got new models and were testing them out no matter what Strategy we flipped.

It was a 30ss game with Shared Distract as the Strategy

I took






6ss Cache

My schemes were both announced, Sabotage on a rock in the center just with in his half of the board. And Stake Claim on a wall just behind the rock.

My friend took


3x Witchling Stalkers


Desperate Merc


7ss cache

His schemes both announced, assassinate and bodyguard.

Turn 1

The Waldgeist hides behind a house about 9 inches from the sabotage rock. The Rattler moves my left to a cave. The Sabertooth “leaps” out of site (in hopes to stalk later which I forgot to do). Samuel moves left to get LoS on Rattler. Everything else moves towards the center.

Turn 2

The Rattler hides behind the cave to not get shot up by Samuel. Myranda turns into a Horecate Pride (for some reason I was thinking Evasive was Bulletproof). Austring one hits Myranda by flipping the red joker, and injures the hidden Waldgeist. The Sabertooth hides because I wasted the card to Leap on turn one. Everyone else moves closer toward the sabotage rock

Turn 3

The Rattler charges Samuel. The Sabertooth Leaps into battle and kills the Austringer. Sonnia shoots her own models with spells to blast the Sabertooth and kill it. The Waldgeist moves to the rock. Samuel disengages from the Waldgeist, but cant escape the Rattler. Marcus charges the Desperate Merc. The Merc runs away from Marcus, but has trouble doing so. Marcus Reactivates the Walgeist. The Waldgeist sabotages the rock and uses enemy models to block line of sight. Marcus takes some damage from the Stalkers all bunched together.

Turn 4

Sonnia bounces more spells off the Stalkers to blast Marcus to half health. Marcus makes his damage stronger and charges a full health Stalker and kills it in one hit. This sets off a chain reaction that kills the other two Stalkers and the Desperate Merc; 1 hit 4 deaths!!!! Marcus runs from Sonnia to the Stake Claim wall and heals Waldgeist. Samuel fails his Terrifying test.

My opponent conceded.

Tying up the Merc and most importantly Samuel on Turn 3 allowed for a monumental come back. They were not allowed to assault the Waldgeist or the Rattler.

Then I realized I cheated as Alpha only works on enemy Beasts. We called it a draw after that as turn three would have been a little different, as he would of focused a little more on the Waldgeist. We agreed things would have likely ended up the same way on turn 4 though. I had the cards to defend the Waldgeist on Turn 3 and had already flipped the Black Joker and my opponent flipped the Red Joker attacking his own models. We called it a draw because you never know what can happen.

We both learned things. Leap is a good spell and don't waste the cards to cast it to be funny. The Razorspine Rattler's charge is not to be forgotten. And most importantly, Alpha does not work on your own models.

Edited by Fading Memory
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